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  • Apple warns investors it won't announce iPhone 7 opening weekend sales

    Hmm, let me get this straight.  Apple's market cap, today, is $570b.  In Sept 2012 after the iPhone 5 intro, it reached $665b.  

    So the Apple of today, with 

    $150b more in cash, 
    with the iPad mini, 
    iPad Pro (in two sizes), 
    larger screen iPhones, 
    the retina MacBook, 
    a game-playing AppleTV, 
    the Apple Watch, 
    Apple Music, 
    Apple Pay, 
    a car on the way, 
    partnerships with IBM, Cisco, and SAP,
    and recent hints dropped by Cook about Entering the AR segment
    and probably a few things I left out... 

    today's Apple is somehow worth $95b less than the Apple of Sept 2012?  

    I'm not seeing how that makes any sense.  

    And so I'll remain long.
    Yes.  Zero logic = 100% emotion for Wall Street.  Apple's bound to move into a new phase of speculative buying.  When that happens, we have tremendous head room on PE ratio.  2-3-400% multiples are certainly possible.  

    From a structural development standpoint, Apple is playing a very long game.  They are sowing a lot of great seed.  I'm bullish.
  • Apple debuts $159 AirPods wireless earbuds with W1 wireless chip, 5 hours of battery life

    Nobody has mentioned this, but one thing particularly impressed me about today's event -- this is Tim's show now!

    Indeed!  However, i wish, wish, wish he'd flow Paul McCartney in and had him perform The Beatles "Taxman" as a closer!!
  • Apple debuts $159 AirPods wireless earbuds with W1 wireless chip, 5 hours of battery life

    Amazing Tech.  Great innovation 
  • Some Mac Pro support pages archived by Apple, will no longer be updated

    I'd love to see a new design, perhaps something comprised of an elegant box that allows internal processor mods, but also the addition of attachable external modules.  Attach a RAID box, GPU box, I/O box, optical drive(s) box, even a RAM box.  

    The cylinder is beautiful and the internal layout is innovative, but the whole thing lacks a sense of power-user purpose.  More form than function.  
  • Genius Bar doesn't hire retired Apple engineer, fires up age discrimination debate

    It's depressing to see how many commenters just assume that J.K. Scheinberg must have been less qualified or technically adept than younger hires, or that he was over-qualified, or that he must have given a "worse interview, or that he "just didn't 'fit'." One commenter, perhaps emboldened by anonymity, even had the audacity to libel Mr. Scheinberg, suggesting that he was not "looking to WORK" and was, instead, just "looking for a paycheck to coast on til retirement." Did any of you who posted those comments meet Mr. Scheinberg? Did you sit in on his interview? Did you check out his references? Did you read his resume and those of the younger people who were hired? Did you talk to the people who made the hiring decisions for the store? I bet that most of you didn't even click the link to the NY Times article, much less read it before posting your comments. What motivates some people to claim that every allegation of employment discrimination, whether based on gender, race, religion, or sexuality, simply *must* be without merit -- despite all of the statistical evidence and peer reviewed research that proves such discrimination exists and harms so many people?
    Booyah!  The truth!  