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  • Teardown claims Essential Phone is hard-to-repair 'hot mess'

    avon b7 said:
    Nobody cares, iFixit. You make it sound like anyone cares about repairability except you, which is false. No one cares. Your business must evolve to deal with the changing landscape, or you need to move on altogether. No one should be making products with user-repairability in mind. That is a total waste. I don't want devices that are crippled by that as a priority. 
    I take the opposite view. Repairability (the user part isn't a must) should be in the design of high priced electronics and be required by legislation if necessary.

    This phone looks to be a very bad example. If it is impossible to replace the battery without breaking the unit or leaving it in a worse state than when you began the process, a good idea would be to give it a very healthy warranty.

    If not, you are basically purchasing a time-bomb with a one year delay on the countdown.
    You care enough about repairable to force it on everyone through legislation. To you it doesn’t matter what others might desire, your desire rules. In my opinion, reliability over rules repairability. If it never needs repairs, in my opinion, how repairable it doesn’t matter. This describes my Apple products.
    designrtmaysteven n.watto_cobra
  • Video: iOS 11 introduces new Smart Invert viewing mode

    Soli said:
    1) Assuming that an LED-based display is coming this year to the iPhone 8, will we see this enabled as default?

    2) Is OLED guaranteed? I keep seeing AI refer to it without any reference to better technologies like microLED.

    3) I'm skeptical that this will be perfect by the time iOS 11 officially launches if 3rd-party apps aren't yet on board with it. Wouldn't think be a 3rd-party developers issue to set flags in iOS to say which items shouldn't be inverted?

    4) There's nothing wrong with saying | ō-lēd |, but this is the first time OLED pronounced that way. I've always heard and used specifically saying each letter of the initialism. Since | ō-lēd | does reduce the number of phonemes spoken, I hope this does catch on.
    4 - Sorry but I will have to disagree with pronunciation of capitalized first letters of words as some form of made up word. In an attempt to be lazy one succeeds in creating confusion. If OLED should be pronounced |ō-lēd| then how should one pronounce USA? The arbitrary introduction of nonsense words created from abbreviations creates confusion for English speaking people and chaos for people for whom English is not their primary language.
  • New dummy unit of Apple's 'iPhone 8' shows off alleged gold/copper color

    sog35 said:
    Front Bezel is UGLY in white. very ugly.


    Why is Apple using a glass back? To cut costs.

    Pretty obvious that Apple shock the world with pricing:

    iPhone 7s $579
    iPhone 7s Plus $699

    iPhone X - $799

    Apple purposely leaked that the phone would be $1000+ last year.  That way when the phone gets a price of $799 people would say 'that's cheap!"

    If they didn't leak the expensive price, then people said Apple was ripping people off by increasing the price from $650 for the iPhone7 to $799 for the iPhoneX.  Now it will look like a bargain.
    To cut cost? When did Apple do anything to cut costs? They build what they want. Financials are worked out after the fact. They don’t ignore costs, it is part of the decision to go or not. They didn’t choose plastic which would have cut costs. Please crawl back into your cave and dream your dreams without bothering to post your drivel.
  • Apple product security team briefing shows 99% drop in stolen iPhone cases from 2014 to 20...

    "It is unclear how accurate Cook's statement about "iPhone 8" rumors impacting sales are. At worst, it seems that deferred purchases for a new model impact the present, but amplify the future for a net-zero effect." If sales slow more than forecast, that effects parts orders and stock levels. Then the higher than forecast sales of the new product effects parts orders and availability. Forecasting is hard enough without outside forces stirring the pot.
  • Apple-manufactured cases for 10.5-inch iPad Pro updated, new sleeve for Apple Pencil debut...

    scotty321 said:
    Apple is so unbelievably tone-deaf to the needs of their customers. We want a Smart CASE, not a Smart COVER. The Smart Cover doesn't even protect the iPad, because it attaches with a weak MAGNET! And it doesn't protect the back of the iPad either! The Smart Cover, which Apple no longer makes, is actually a REAL GENUINE HONEST-TO-GOODNESS CASE. It protects both the front and back of the iPad, and it actually firmly snaps onto the iPad -- so your iPad is fully protected at all times. It is beyond ridiculous that Apple stopped making these, but continues to peddle the subpar Smart covers.
    "We" do not want a Smart CASE "you " seem to want one. My iPad Pro (12.9) doesn't have a case at all and never has and I have no plans to have one. What you want does not equate to what others want or need. My iPhone 6s+ has a bumper case and that offers everything I want/need. I don't know if you have an iPhone or if so if it has a case, that would be a personal choice for you and none of my business.