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  • Text of FCC 'Proposal to Restore Internet Freedom' released, eradicates net neutrality rul...

    As many have pointed out, US citizens will be hurt by this (much like the current tax plans proposed by Congress). Will we be required to pay differing fees for accessing different bundles of sites and online services? Will it be bundled like TV packages where you pay more for the fastest access and pay less and you get slower? Will there be editorializing of what I can view? Which consumers are eager for ISPs to be able to block or slow traffic from companies that don’t pay for priority access? Even though absolutely no regular consumer would ever want this new "Internet Freedom", Ajit Pai is selling this repeal of consumer protections as the FCC protecting consumers “just as it did before 2015.” In reality--particularly with these changes coming from a former Verizon executive--most observers can view this as another case of this administration being pro-corporation and anti-consumer.

    Pai isn’t the only one to have calculated spending on broadband infrastructure. Free Press, a pro-net neutrality group, noted (PDF) investment in networks has gone UP since the Title II classification order in 2015, and that, “not a single publicly traded US ISP ever told its investors (or the SEC) that Title II negatively impacted its own investments specifically.” So selling this as something that will increase infrastructure investment is much like the theory that the Republican tax plan will benefit middle class people because corporations will be paying less in taxes. Makes zero sense.

    Regardless of who or what you believe, the truth is the internet will not be as unbiased, free and open in the US as it is now, once the 2015 net neutrality guidelines are repealed.

    clemynxradarthekatapple jockey
  • Apple TV won't get Amazon Prime Video until Apple agrees to 'acceptable business terms'

    I agree and second what apple ][ says above that Airplay streaming of video from an iOS device makes it fairly simple to stream Amazon Video on AppleTV but would of course love an AppleTV app whenever Amazon and Apple can agree on "stuff".

    I love the new 4th Gen. AppleTV for the apps, the Siri integration (which still needs work), the Aerial screen saver and integration with my iCloud Photo Library & Apple Music but wish it supported 4K video and could still enjoy even easier text entry.

    For those really heavily invested in the Apple ecosystem, I think there's no better set top box out there than the AppleTV but with the great original content that Amazon is producing, it's like, "I want my Amazon TV" and the corporations should take care of their customers.
    apple ][