kevin kee


kevin kee
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  • Apple debuts $999 iPhone X with OLED Super Retina Display & Face ID authentication

    thompr said:
    kevin kee said:
    tzeshan said:
    I think FaceID can be easily compromised by hard core criminals.
    FaceID has 1 million secure points,  it is currently the hardest (though not impossible, time will tell) security tool to be compromised by anyone.
    I'm not worried about the false positive (i.e. thinking someone else is you) so much as the false negative (i.e. not recognizing your face when you are using ApplePay).  It happened to Craig on stage, 1 time out of about 4.  They better get the software right in time for launch.
    What happened to Craig is different, not because the FaceID didn't recognise him.  The passcode screen that Federighi got on that first iPhone X said “Your passcode is required to enable Face ID.” This is the same screen that would come up on existing iPhones after a device has been restarted — or simply after several hours have passed without authenticating through the lock screen. This is a security precaution introduced with Touch ID that will clearly carry onward with Face ID.
  • Apple Park's new $108M visitor center spares no expense to dazzle guests

    entropys said:
    I got it straight away.
    Jurassic park? :cold_sweat: 

    osmartormenajrtallest skil
  • Apple promotes iOS 11 for iPad in new ad series

    tyler82 said:
    I have a hunch iOS 11 will be buggy as hell and won't really work fluidly as intended until iOS 12.
    Nope, it's almost perfect on my iPad Pro. The latest public beta, of course.
  • Spotify retains clear lead over Apple Music with 60M paid subscribers

    rain22 said:
    macxpress said:
    1983 said:
    It seems adoption of Music has stagnated with that 27 million paid user count unchanged for a while now, while Spotify continue to grow. Is this going to be another failed experiment by Apple? I thought it would have a much larger user base by now.
    HomePod will change this...I wouldn't sat 27 Million is a failed experiment either. We'll see if Spotify can make any money here...and keep making money. 
    Homepod isn't going to do anything. I'll get one and stream Spotify to it. 
    Spotify is a superior service with a vastly superior catalog and curation algorithms.
    If you're listening on gear capable of an iota of reference- the quality is far superior as well.

    Apple is at least 7 years behind. They have a lot of work to do to pry people away from other Services.
    That's not my experience. I much prefer Apple Music because it caters to all my needs, and I found it is much superior than Spotify in service, catalog and curation algorithm. Just as it was your opinion, this is mine, so I can't say this is everyone's experience, but Apple Music just works better for me.
  • First look: Apple's powerful iMac Pro

    polymnia said:
    tyancy said:
    For pros at the level of large corporations, this is great. For all other pros (say, 98%) this is waaaaay too expensive.
    As usual, Apple is focusing on the super cool and (as all the decision makers are multimillionaires) they figure $5,000 is reasonable.
    I'm a pro and I do just about everything - web, video / high-end effects, motion graphics, all sorts pf art., and even publishing. But I do not need a 4K display. Frankly, I don't set my 27's to their maximum resolution because I don't have to, and even using Accesibility to make the system text and cursor a reasonable size, there are still a lot of apps I use with UIs that were designed for a resolution that was mainstream five years ago. If Apple's going to provide a 4K monitor, it should certainly be larger than the one with the iMac Pro.
    They need to offer a version with a lower resolution and cut a thousand bucks from the price. They clearly do not understand that a freelancer can't compete when buying this $5K machine forces them to raise their prices. Can I adjust my budget to come up with another $350 a month for 18 months? Not without sacrificing other things. 
    Clients can be very picky. If they see two comparable online portfolios and one designer charges an extra $10 an hour, they's go will the cheaper price – with the guy who is not having to pay for a $5K computer.
    Typical Apple thinking. If someone is a pro, they need the best machine so they can make the most bucks. Apple takes a $2,500 cut and adds to its trillion dolllar slush fund.

    And, honestly, the reason this iMac pro costs $5k is NOT the display. It's the Xeon processors and the ECC RAM. 
    And also Radeon Pro Vega 56 8GB / 64 16GB.