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  • 'iPhone 13' will impress with new features, 5G iPhone SE coming in early 2022 says Kuo

    No Touch ID no upgrade. 
  • 'iPhone 13' mockups show camera module changes, slight size differences

    Apple makes some of the ugliest phones these days. 
  • Compared: Apple's second-generation Siri Remote versus predecessors

    This is what’s so frustrating about Apple. They’re the worst victim of their reality distortion field. Even a terrible design like the Apple TV remote escaped improvement or change for years. That remote is so terrible it’s borderline defective. 
  • Apple to offset costly 5G iPhone components with cheaper battery tech

    Apple used to have the best tech and components because they sell at a premium and customer experience is not sacrificed at the altar of profiteering. 

    But like the Apple before jobs second return, im starting to have pangs of envy comparing its products against the competition. I think it’s safe to say that iPhones, at least on the hardware side, is falling further and further behind the likes of Samsung Xiaomi Huawei and OnePlus flagships. The Apple se is not even competing on the same weight class as Google pixel 4a. The ugly notch, thick bezel, small battery, average still cam with weak zoom, terrible selfie cam, Face ID that’s so inconvenient in our masked up world, average screen, etc. And now they want to nickel and dime its customers just to include 5g which was available for more than a year in some cheap android phones?! I think this is the year for me to finally make the switch to Android. 
  • White House set to entirely ban TikTok from App Store

    OK, folks, this is where it hits Apple.

    This Trump nonsense of sanctions, trade wars, and bravado will make Apple sales tank in China.

    And probably, in any other country where TikTok and WeChat is popular.

    Now if only Trump has a single proof of illegal behavior on ByteDance, which is funded by (among others) several American firms.

    This. I’m not Chinese and have been as big a fan of Apple As anyone. I own most of apples products and paid services such as iCloud and music. Even as I look at some of the newer android phones with some envy I don’t see myself switching because of how invested I’m with apples ecosystem. But if Apple removed WeChat which I use for work (with Chinese and many around the world), I will have to get myself an android phone. And I think that will be the beginning of a move away from Apple. 
    manfred zorn