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  • Apple to increase starting pay for hourly workers to $22 per hour

    tyler82 said:
    Threats of unionizing works.
    Seems like a win/win/win. No union = no union dues plus they got a pay increase anyway and Apple may not have to deal with a union. 
  • Apple hourly workers feel helpless under punishing pressure & mistreatment

    sully54 said:
    As someone who currently works at an apple store, I can confirm that it’s pretty much a sh!t show each shift I work, and I’ve been with apple over 10 years. And it’s not just coming from Apple. Customers are aggressive and rude. So to get it from both sides, it’s demoralizing. 
    This isn’t a flippant comment so please don’t take it the wrong way. If you feel like this, why don’t you leave? You vote with your feet and walk out the door. If you’re outside of NY or CA demand for just about every type of job, especially retail, is huge right now. 
    radarthekatlkruppget seriouscharlesn9secondkox2ikir
  • Clubhouse hides account bios, images to protect Afghan users

    Sounds good. But, isn’t there a slippery slope here the the Internet Archive is being subverted. If for this? What other awkward content might disappear?
    I’m sure Biden has a good answer to this. 
  • House unveils sweeping antitrust legislation that takes aim at tech giants

    k2kw said:
    lam92103 said:
    Excellent. Tech companies have way too much power and abuse their monopolies for the detriment of the consumer
    Nothing meaningful will get through a democratic Congress controlled by Tech Companies.   Zuck is probably lining up his Forward.US  allies to block this.
    I had the same thought. Seems odd. At least one of those bills hurts smaller companies (at least their shareholders/owners) by preventing them from being acquired by larger rivals. 
  • Allegations of discrimination spawn investigation into Apple Card credit lines

    jungmark said:
    Not enough info. What are your salaries? 
    Spot on. I think his tweets just exhibit his ignorance of how financial products work. My wife wouldn’t expect to be approved for the same credit amount as me, despite a similar situation—joint tax filing, married for 10+ years, owned several houses together, etc. 

    Conversely, if our roles were reversed and my wife made the vast majority of income, I wouldn’t expect to receive the same amount of credit as her. And we wouldn’t file separate applications anyway. One of us would create
    the account and add the other as a joint account owner. 

    Let’s see what the investigations reveal but my suspicion is he is just waisting everyone’s time and increasing the cost of similar products in the future. 