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  • Months after a terrible app launch, Sonos promises it'll do better

    They are just plain arrogant! They refused for years to implement any Dolby standard in their devices. 
    Currently they are making this same mistake by not adding any elements of Siri and Find my Device in their expensive products. I guess they are going to compete with Apple and others multi-trillion companies on implementing AI and LLM features into their product using their own proprietary  API’s.  Good luck with that expense!  

    Sonos leadership is going to make Sonos into a modern day equivalent of Wang Computers or Betamax ….
  • 13-inch iPad Pro review: hardware of the future running software of the past

    I know I will get clobbered here by saying this, but it must be said:

    This is NOTHING wrong with iPad OS or the new iPad Pro in my humble opinion including my nano-textured screen.

    I have only owned Apple computers starting with an Apple II GS. I currently own a MacBook Pro, an iPad Pro, a Vision Pro, an Apple TV, an iPhone Pro Max and a couple of Apple Watches. While each device is per se a computer and they may share some similar uses, they have different functions, uses, capabilities and software. 

    I have noticed Apple Tech Writers are always downgrading reviews and slamming iPads and iPad OS for not having the capabilities of Macs and Mac OS. As I have commented to others, although a pickup truck, a motor cycle and a van are all vehicles, they are all different and should be used according one’s transportation’s needs and the requirements of the transportation task.

    An iPad and IPad OS are not Mac and Mac OS. iPads and iPad OS need to be as simple as possible for those who need a computer without the complexities of multitasking and overloading the user. 

    If you want an example of this just visit an Apple Store and spend a few minutes just observing the interactions of the people in the store. While the parents are getting their Mac fix, grandma texting away on her phone and the baby in diapers and in the stroller is punching away or watching a Disney Movie for the hundredth time on an iPad. 

    Btw… The review was Great and I will not offer any criticisms of it with the exception of my above two cents. 
  • Epic and allies are complaining about Apple's US App Store fees, while they charge about t...

    pssst…. Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 (U.S. Constitution)

    [The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.

    IE.. As a long time Apple shareholder, I say it’s about time that Apple’s Board get aggressive and orders the company to start charging all for profit outfits for any and every use of Apple’s IP, especially the billion dollars whining FREELOADERS like Spotify and Epic! 

  • US DOJ will finally sue Apple after years of antitrust investigation

    pssst…. Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 (U.S. Constitution)

    [The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.

    IE.. As a long time Apple shareholder, I say it’s about time that Apple’s Board get aggressive and orders the company to start charging all for profit outfits for any and every use of Apple’s IP, especially the billion dollars whining FREELOADERS like Spotify and Epic! 

  • The potential TikTok ban is being decided on by the wrong people

    With all due respect, I think only those who have access to classified government information should be the ones speaking on this subject.

    EVERYTHING in China is owned and controlled by the Chineses Communist Party not the Chinese People including TikTok!

    An old communist once said “a capitalist is a fool who will sell the rope to his own hanging!” 

    Well please let me update this by say….“TikTok influencers are naïve money making fools that are selling the ropes to everyone’s and every society’s hangings! 