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  • Apple now paying out $95M in AppleCare lawsuit settlement

    Hagens Berman is getting about half of the settlement. Users shouldn't expect big cash from this settlement — the email that we received shows a $14.45 payout.

    Yikes - so everything I've seen and experienced from class action lawsuits indicate that where possible it's not a good idea to join them where given the choice.
  • Apple Maps could serve advertising to users in 2023

    One more reason to keep using google Maps
  • Apple's latest security update is important, but the mass-media response is unhinged

    I'm going to respectfully disagree here. Speaking as someone who heads up Information security for an organization, this may not be as quite bad as it gets (it won't kill your dog), but it's darn close. A remote code execution flaw in webkit paired with the ability to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges is really, really, *really* bad. 
    Agreed. This is an odd AI article.
  • Judge approves Apple's $30M employee bag check lawsuit settlement

    macgui said:
    Anybody is free to opt out of a class action law suit and take on Apple on their own. Anybody? Bueller?? I didn't think so.

    So the lawyers get a big payday. If they didn't, what are the odds that they'd take up the fight? Far less. The victims get a pittance but the bigger takeaway is some egregious practice is usually stopped. Regardless of how little (or how much) time an employee might have been lost, it's insulting at best to have an employer doing a bag check on your dime! Even more so when you realize it's ok to inconvenience you every day at the end of your shift, because it saves them $Millions per year.

    I don't know that class action lawyers deserve the fees they get, considering their clients seldom get a reimbursement equal to their loss. The whole class action process is often something of a farce. But if a practice is discontinued or made fair to all involved, that's still a win.

    Well said. I think this was an obnoxious company policy, a bad idea on so many levels. If the class action stopped it then great, but yeah, the class action process is flawed
  • Apple's Self Repair Program vs. Genius Bar: What it costs to fix an iPhone 13

    Even with Apples inflated parts cost, the camera replacement example illustrates just how outrageous Apples standard repair pricing is.