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  • US Justice Department allegedly wants new spinoff carrier as condition of Sprint & T-Mobil...

    I don't see any good for the consumer (American citizen) from this merger!
  • How to make Google automatically delete the data it stores about you [u]

    mdmitris said:
    Where is the guarantee that google won't continue collecting the information even if you turn these things off?
    Comeon! Don't you trust Google to keep your information safe now that they have convinced you that they are deleting your data! They only have 3 months to sell the data before they "have to" delete it! 

    Just like Facebook... Well find out that they are really collecting it and selling it anyway long after the 3 months is over! At least, that's what I presume based on their track record.
  • Samsung Galaxy Fold teardown suggests poor design decisions with 'massive gaps' [u]

    They waited until the last moment to pull the device!!?? I bet they have manufactured 10's of thousands of these and are now going to have to destroy or try to repair them.
    They had to know about these issues for a long time inside the company! Yet they sent them out to reviewers anyway and no one inside Samesong said "Stop" we should not ship this crap!

    Just freaking WOW!
  • Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren focusing 'right to repair' on farmers, not tech

    Our brilliant leaders saved us again.
    "Our brilliant leaders" are elected by our even more brilliant voters! ... It's almost as if some voters criteria for a candidate is to sabotage the government to support their narrative.
  • Editorial: Senator Warren's stance on big tech breakup is dangerous politics

    lkrupp said:
    Amusing to me how liberal politicians are so eager to limit the size and power of corporations in the name of the people but think a giant, all powerful, all knowing, all controlling government is just fine. In fact the bigger the better as far as the size and influence of government with types like Warren.  
    That's because the government is suppose to be by the people and working for the people. Corporations currently are by the few, and working against the many! Rarely are the interests of the corporation in line with the interests of the people at large. The government is suppose to be the tool of the people (not a tool of the corporations) as _we_ are the rightfull owners of this country and the corporations only exist because we the _people_ grant them the ability to exist and do business here. The government needs to be more powerful than the corporations in order to provide the necessary oversight at the peoples will.

    People forget that _we_ the people, own this country. Corporations are but tenants that exist only because we grant then permission to operate. Corporations are not people!! The people, through its agent the government, define and create the sandbox by which the economic engine of capitalism exists. When corporations become so large that they userp our right or ability to govern ourselves and by extension the corporations, it's time to place limits on these corporations.

    -Progressive Capitalist-