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  • FCC chairman urges Apple to activate FM radios in iPhones in light of recent disasters [u]...

    Ajit Pai speaking for the public good! Bull Shit! The guy is a shrill for the monopolistic media companies!
  • Imagination Technologies slams Apple for ditching its iPhone GPU tech in earnings call

      If they do the entire architecture in house they have far bigger problems with proof.  
    I believe it is up to Imagination to prove Apple is using their tech. The burden in on Imagination not Apple IB.
    bshankanton zuykov
  • Install the AT&T 'Call Protect' app on your iPhone to cut way back on spam calls

    The spammers know your area code and routinely send calls from it. This is problematic.
    The thing that is problematic is that the area code is spoofed and the telephone companies don't do anything about it. Enforce that caller ID is valid. It can be done! they just don't want to. This is what the FCC is for!
  • Install the AT&T 'Call Protect' app on your iPhone to cut way back on spam calls

    White listing (sending calls not in my contact list directly to VMl) should be a option. The telephone companies need to enforce that the caller ID is also valid. If they suspect it is spoofed then block the call! Blocking by source location is another option. If the call originates outside the US then it should go to VM for example.

    The fact that we have to deal with SPAM in 2017 is totally a FAIL on the telephone companies and FCC! This is BS!
  • With Apple rumored to launch Siri home speaker, Amazon preps flagship touchscreen Echo

    The Echo sucks. My wife got me one for Xmas it was okay at first then it started playing random music that it picked up from conversations we were having in the room not meant for her. While the tech is close, Echo is a poor first attempt. It's now in my class but no banana box of tech stuff that did not meet muster.
    Apple is probably the only large company I would trust to have an always on mic in my living home. Not MS, not Google, most definitely not Google! And not Amazon. Beezos has shown he has no respect for peoples privacy. Google just want to distlille you down to your meta data and sell you to advertisers. MS wants to sell you a computer that is full of useless shit that it has sold to other verdors. All these companies have decided you are the product that they can sell to other companies... I'm much rather pay for some services from Apple knowing that much less info about me is then being sold to other companies. I wish Tim would come out and declare that they never sell any personal info to third parties.