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  • Apple includes shareholder proposal on diversity in proxy statement, advises vote against

    Has anyone truly read the proposal??? Where does the author of that proposal advocate solely awarding positions in senior management or the board of directors based on colour or race?  NOWHERE!!!

    The author states:  "Shareholders’ view of diversity – that everyone matters (irrespective of colour, race, sex, creed or religion) – recognizes the Company’s commitment to diversity and the uniqueness of experience, strength, culture, thought and commitment contributed by each employee; however, it does not ignore the Company’s senior management and board of directors diminutive level of diversity and its painstakingly slow implementation."

    The author further states: "Shareholders opined that companies with holistic comprehensive diversity policies and programs, and strong leadership commitment to implementation, enhance their long-term value; reducing the Company’s potential legal and reputational risks associated with workplace discrimination and build reputations as a fair employer. Equally, shareholders opined that the varied perspectives of a diverse senior management and board of directors would provide a competitive advantage in terms of creativity, innovation, productivity and morale, while eliminating the limitations of “groupthink”, as it would recognize the uniqueness of experience, strength, culture and thought contributed by each; strengthening its reputation and accountability to shareholders."

    So instead of just reading Apple's refusal to accept the proposal, read the proposal in full - not just the tidbits you get from an article or report.

    I am voting FOR the proposal.  It's time to stop with the political correctness BS, and admit that Silicon Valley has a serious problem w/ glass ceilings at senior management and board of director level!

    Apple is all talk, but no true action.

    How can Apple justify Al Gore as being one of "the best talent" for its Board of Directors?  Al Gore is a has-been VPOTUS, who has only believed in supporting censorship of the music industry and of the arts in general, and wanting to push his global warming agenda on everyone.  What true talent has Al Gore brought to the table???  What makes him more qualified to be on Apple's Board than for example: Amex's Chairman/CEO Kenneth Chenault, United Airlines' CEO Oscar Munoz, Microsoft's John W. Thompson, or Coca-Cola's Muhtar Kent?

    Let's clear the record:  Tim Cook did NOT come out as Gay!  Tim Cook was outed and was forced to acknowledge publicly that he is gay.  Silicon Valley is full of engineers and managers that are White Gay Males, they just can easily mask it, as Tim Cook did for so many years.  If Tim Cook was not outed, he would have never divulged to the world that he is gay.  So let's be truthful about the matter.

    The number of Hispanics and Blacks at Apple's management level has dropped from 2014 to present.

    Why is it that Apple spanned 18 years (1997 to 2015) before appointing another Black/African-American to the Board of Directors? (Delano Lewis 1994 to 1997; James Bell 2015 to present)?  Apple's partner, American Express has had a Black Chairman/CEO (Kenneth Chenault) for over 2 decades; why has he never been invited to join Apple's Board? Is he not bright or talented enough for Apple?

    Why is it that Apple has not appointed a Hispanic to its Board of Directors?  Are there no Hispanic CEOs or Chairman of the Board of Fortune 100 companies of great caliber for Apple's Board?

    Why is it that only 1 Hispanic Male (Eddy Cue) 1 Middle-Eastern Male (Johny Srouji), and one Caucasian Female are the only ones to have gotten past Apple's glass ceiling?  Hmmm... so no other Hispanic, Black, Asian, South Asian are of great quality, caliber and talent to be in senior management?

    Why is it that the only Asian Female to be on Apple's Board happens to be a former Chairwoman/CEO of less than stellar corporate record at Avon?  Is that part of the "
    "the best talent" pool Apple talks so much about?

    Big reminder to everyone: Apple is highly dependent on sales outside the US, and a great majority of their sales are in countries that are not caucasian majority countries.  If you believe that people in these countries would continue to accept the silent discrimination occurring in Silicon Valley, think again.  If that was the case, phone manufacturers in China would not be so successful; as the Chinese are extremely loyal to Chinese brands.

    So let's stop w/ the BS statements of reverse discrimination and all other defenses to justify Apple's and all other Silicon Valley continued resistance to expand their talent pool to include more women and people of colour to senior management and board of director level!  If we don't wake up from this foolish politically correct behaviour of denial of the truth, we will have no one but ourselves to blame for Apple's and all other Silicon Valley demise.
