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  • iPhone sales fall to 51.2M, Apple earns $50.6B in revenue in disappointing March quarter

    sog35 said:

    Think LONG TERM. I'm talking about 10 years or more.  Personally I see the stock at $300 in 10 years.

    But where is that growth going to come from? There doesn't seem to be another blockbuster product like the iPod, iPhone or iPad on the horizon.
    Apple Watch even for the apologists has only made a minor splash in terms of their revenue
    Researchkit, Homekit, Healthkit, Carplay haven't exactly set the world on fire. Homekit is particularly disappointing, would have been a really good opportunity to grow the Apple ecosystem but the products still aren't out there
    Apple Car is as much vaporware as ever
    Where else could they launch new products? An Apple TV (as opposed to appleTV)? Hard to see where the growth is going to come from. You don't get a tripling in the stock price for churning out iterations of the same core products.

  • Newly-revealed date glitch may render some iOS devices unusable

    Rayz2016 said:
    I think this is one of those cases where the actual problem is nowhere near as serious as the situation that led to it.

    Is anyone likely to run into this bug without trying really, really hard? No, they're not.
    There are already trolls on facebook and twitter that are posting images like this, claiming there is a secret Easter Egg that will be triggered if you set your date back to 1 Jan 1970. Some of my friends have already fallen for it and ended up with a bricked iPhone. Also some people are trying to set up public wifi hotspots with malicious NTP time servers so that any iPhone that connects and is set to automatically update the date and time will be bricked. Losers.

    kent909 said:
    Who finds this stuff?
    Google shills.
    Actually it was an iOS 9.3 beta tester who encountered the bug while trying to troubleshoot an issue with the date not appearing on the status bar.