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  • Apple releases macOS 10.13 High Sierra with APFS, Metal 2, new Safari, Photos improvements...

    JanNL said:
    jeff_cook said:
    Does Aperture still work?
    As promised (ok, not within 30 took 3 but installing about 30) an update.
    Aperture works (the same) as in Sierra and the bètas of High Sierra.
    Thanks Jan.
  • Apple releases macOS 10.13 High Sierra with APFS, Metal 2, new Safari, Photos improvements...

    melgross said:
    I don’t get what the rush is for some people here. It’s much better to wait at least a couple of days. Do you guys really need to feel as though you’re first? Is this like posting “first” with no other content?
    what you hope to accomplish with this post? 
  • Apple releases macOS 10.13 High Sierra with APFS, Metal 2, new Safari, Photos improvements...

    jeff_cook said:
    Does Aperture still work?
    It ran during the beta. Haven't tried on the latest build yet.

    That said, many of Apple's older pro-level apps don't work in HS anymore. The day is coming that Aperture will stop functioning.
    I'm hoping that Gentlemencoders steps it up such that there is more complete Aperture replacement when that day actual comes. I'll hold out as long as I can with the last OS and HW version that supports that OS.
  • With iPhone 8, Apple's Silicon Gap widens as the new A11 Bionic obliterates top chips from...

    chia said:
    It will be interesting to know how Apple decides what direction to take in development of its processors.
    Do they evaluate what works smoothly and not so smoothly, then look at how they can improve the performance in that area.
    Alternatively do they think "what will be a good feature to have in an Apple Device", prototype it, then work towards designing a processor that delivers that feature at the right size, power consumption and price?

    Perhaps an answer lie in studying the evolution of Apple processors from their first A4 to the current A11.

    Apple explicitly expressed the latter thinking when they designed the custom controller chip for  the 5K Retina iMac.
    to me, clearly apple is saying it can get a huge leg up on their competition if we have control over the silicon and start over from a clean sheet. I'm looking forward to see what they do on iPad Pro.  They already have more HP then they know what to do with already.  Bring over the Mac Apps and features. Looking forward to iOS12. ;-)
  • With iPhone 8, Apple's Silicon Gap widens as the new A11 Bionic obliterates top chips from...

    morky said:
    The only loss here would be for Boot Camp/VMware/Parallels users, but I doubt that would be a show-stopper for Apple.
    I wonder what Microsoft is thinking about that when it is Microsoft itself who is putting in great effort to support iOS  and pushing hard to get  Windows on ARM.  I wonder what they are predicting is going to happen long term on the desktop.   Again, no magic 8 ball here.  However, it looks like hedge bet to me and are no longer going all in on Wintel for desktop.   Why do they continue to push Windows for ARM and why get aggressive about supporting iOS?  

    Maybe its because iOS has been eating away at personal computing for a while.  For many people the phone or the tablet replaced their desktop.

    Is pushing iPad Pro further toward the Desktop by making it more MacOS like in CPU power, storage, RAM and UI is going to attract even more people away from MacOS?  I think it can and will.   Its clear where all the development effort was and was not over the past year, when you compare what happened on iPad vs MacOS feature updates.  Its going to keep heading in that direction I bet.  

    I think Intel needs to retreat and focus the Server market long terms Apple keeps eating away at the Desktop. Intel has strong competition of late from AMD. Both performance and price.  They need to stay on top of that.  

    In my mind, they have already demonstrated that  they won't be able to compete on the low power personal space when they waived the white flag on Atom based phones and tablets and shuttered that business. Laying of ten's of thousands in the process. Microsoft too waived their white flag when they gave up on Windows Mobile, Nokia (laying off ten's of thousands as well)  and have aggressive adopted iOS for their productivity apps.  Factor in the Windows on ARM push even in an angry Intel in the background  and I think I may know what they are thinking in going to happen to the Desktop over time too.