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  • How to connect just about any vintage Mac to a modern monitor

    What, no mention of getting the REALLY old Apple computers up to VGA? My Apple IIe luckily still has a monitor, but I also have a bunch of compact Macs needing capacitor work. It would be nice to see mention of them in this article, getting a video signal out to modern screens. But yes, good article.

    on the case designs, yes, I do like my IIcx (needs a new PSU), but my favourite is my G4 tower. One latch and the whole thing opens like a clam. Can’t get any easier. And nice handles for lugging around.
  • Microsoft's Copilot PC and the M3 Mac killer myth

    We’ll, no-one else has said it…

    Doomed! Apple is doomed - again. Sell your shares, close down the company and fire-sale the assets.
  • Samsung's half-hearted attempt to capitalize on Apple's Crush ad misses the point

    I love my iPad, I’m reading and writing about this article on one over breakfast. The ad is beautifully made, with clever little bits in the content. But I despaired to see those wonderful items destroyed. Items that were crafted to provide an interface between humans and their world, to express creativity and move people. TV might be a bit more controversial, but the content producers for TV also express their creativity - even if TV was once thought to drain the intelligence of watchers. 

    a small mis-step in not understanding the creative audience of Apple, but as someone said, at least it’s being talked about. And maybe that’s the point. And maybe THAT’S the real point - be creative, go dust off that instrument in the closet, get your easel out, play some piano cords, mould that putty into a bust. Hopefully.
    williamlondonBart Ywatto_cobra
  • At last Apple is dumping those pointless, wasteful stickers

    I put two on my car in 2006, they’re still there in perfect condition. Awesome. My recycle bin has 50, a work of Art.
  • Apple now has a good landing page to find manuals, specs, and downloads

    This is a really great idea, everything organised and easily accessible. It would be nice to see even the really vintage stuff. I’m currently recapping some Macintosh Classics, and making all the service documents and even software from the pre-Intel days, including PowerPC and 68000 (and 6502!) would be just amazing. I know (or read anyway) that Steve Jobs hated looking backwards, but Apple have such a rich history and legacy many of us love.