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  • Apple's iOS 10 now running on more devices than iOS 9

    Why is there so little love, (outright derision and hostility even), for people whom, for whatever reason, would prefer to keep an older OS running on their device?
    I typically do not like to update the OS's on my devices, whether they be iOS or OS X, -er, excuse me MacOS,  until a couple of updates have been issued.
    This is both, because I am waiting to hear from different online communities running older no longer supported apps, (e.g. Final Cut Pro 7 on MacOS), about potential incompatibilities, as well as to give time for the folks at Cupertino to clear out any bugs which are naturally present, (both iOS and MacOS), in the first couple iterations of any new software.
    Apple loves to make a big deal reporting the percentage of devices updated to their latest OS, -like it's some badge of pride.
    Well, considering the drip-drip-drip, Chinese water torture, that one has to endure in order to resist the updates, (you'd think the nagware popups were written by the Borg), the reverse side of that story is the real news, -and that is what percentage of holdouts are still able to hang in there out there?
    Concerning iOS, -considering that Apple forces the download of the update onto your phone without implicit consent, and then nags you every single day, asking you to install that update that you didn't allow in the first place, without giving you any solution whatsoever to stop this from happening, -the fact that 45% of the people have still managed to resist this, and any forced update is the real story, and, not how many have actually succumbed to updating their devices, whether by choice or submission.
    Granted, these updates may enhance the user experience, and provide a more secure environment, but that decision, and choice, should still be ours, and not theirs. Giving us a simple preference setting would easily do the trick, but that is clearly not in their interest, only in ours.
    All this said, I have never read any of the Apple agreements that we have to keep giving our consent to from time to time, in order to run their products.
    So for all I know, I may have already given them every right to engage in this old-school, Microsoft like behavior.
    Finally, I have been an Apple user for over twenty seven years.  I sure do miss that old company...  :'(
