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  • Apple under fire for onerous independent third-party repair terms

    For all those defending Apple here, you know nothing of us 3rd party repair businesses. This program was supposed to FINALLY be Apple working WITH us to ensure customers were had options and where properly taken care of. It was SUPPOSED to provide us the OPTION of providing customers original OEM parts as well as maintaining our various options such as 3rd party parts.

    It was never going to allow us to provide warranty care, it was never intended to make us into an Authorized Apple Repair facility, it was supposed to give us options that only helped Apple and their customers.

    Being able to access custom tools wasn't a big thing as they are readily available everywhere, but having access to genuine software tools is a boon, and only helps customers in the end.

    This clauses basically strip EVERYTHING this program was supposed to be. As stated in the contact, even though we are supposed to be independent, we aren't allowed to provide 3rd party parts... which is how this industry works, period. Having to provide records of customers is a privacy violation, and fines for doing what we do? Come on!

    I myself have 25 years repairing Apple equipment, I've been an Apple Certified Tech, I've worked at a number of dealerships, I've OWNED my own Value Added Dealership... I know how suffocating Apples rules can be... and this is no different.

    I chose to open a 3rd party repair place because of those oppressive rules, it allows me to serve customers in much better ways then Apple does. Don't get me wrong... I tell all customers under warranty to go to Apple, I'm upfront to customers about their choice using 3rd party parts.

    But, being able to repair 10-12 year old computers and devices, replace screens for customers that were denied by Apple because of a dent in the case, makes me very happy, and allows me to provide the proper level of customer support.

    Great example, a year ago, a custom walked in with a 20 minute old iPhone 8... his SIM card go stuck in the phone... Apple refused to do anything about it, gave him the option of a $800 replacement for his 10 minute old phone. I opened it, popped out the SIM card inside of 5 minutes....

    THAT is the kind of customer service Apple is trying to prevent companies like mind from doing!
    Rick Gold - Owner
  • What Apple's T2 chip does in your new MacBook Air or MacBook Pro

    Aegis2k said:
    Everyone loves their T2 until they need to boot from external media. And you will. You will... I like security, but I like *ME* deciding what level of security I want or need, not Apple. If I like sleeping with my windows open is my choice. I don't want anyone saying to me 'dude close your windows, you might get robbed' or even worse, someone actually nailing my windows shut and saying 'it is not safe to have windows at your house, screw you.'.
    And I'm sorry, as a third party repair business owner... we have already encounter issues with the t2 chip... why the hell should it prevent us from replacing a keyboard?? A speaker? Its ridiculous and Apple is going to get their asses sued off under the Right To Repair movement!
  • Here we go again: Apple's iPhone battery service terms igniting complaints from users

    I am finding Appleinsider very pro-Apple corporate and very Anti-Apple User as of late.. have to wonder why! I own one of those 3rd party repair depots you folks continually throw under the bus like we are mouth breathing luddites. Let me tell you of my over 20 years of experience supporting and fixing nearly every single product Apple has brought to market. From LC series to Xserves, 3GS iPhones to Retina MacBook Pros. I have more knowledge then the vast majority of those Genius bar folks. I have worked for multiple authorized dealers, I've even owned my own Value Added Reseller even. I started a "3rd Party Repair Depot" solely because of the ridiculous restrictions Apple puts on repairs. I have to ask, at what point are you going to finally think Apple has gone to far? How about instead of spouting off about rules and such, you try to identify with the customer for a second. No matter what the customer did, there should be some solution from Apple. That iMac Pro situation mention is absolute highway robbery! It is completely unacceptable that Apple refuses to fix that thing. Regardless of who touched it, there is no way they should simply deny service all together. It would hurt absolutely NO ONE to repair that unit and charge the customer up the backside for it. This is why companies and parties like me are in support of Right To Repair Laws... because companies are becoming very overbearing when it comes to repairing their stuff. WE as the public bought it, WE should have the right to have it fixed. Now, I'm not an idiot, if a customer brings in a DIY repair, I tell them straight up, there is a chance you may have damaged it further, so there is no promise I can fix it... but AT LEAST I TRY. You can talk about tolerances and such till you are blue in the face, deal with all the issues and charge the customer for it... but don't be a@@holes about it. I'm sorry, but a chip and a small dent WILL not affect the battery. No will the speakers or microphone. What will? A damaged docking connector a broken screen perhaps. But this is like refusing to replace the customers taillight because there is a dent in the front bumper. For the record, there are plenty of 3rd party outfits out there not worth a salt, but there are others like myself that have even more expertise then the Apple Stores themselves. I have another fellow out here that is an absolute magician with micro-soldering, he can resurrect pretty much any liquid damaged system, he has circuit board diagrams and devices he's made himself that allow him to help customers FAR more then the Apple Store ever will. It's time Appleinsider give 3rd party repair depots the respect many of us deserve.