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  • Apple sticking with climate change fight despite Trump administration regulation loosening...

    WOW!  "Tallest Skil" has entirely blown away the weak — and typical — arguments from "Singularity"!  8-)

    Thank you "Tallest Skil" for addressing this nonsense with imperial facts.  It's amazing how people are so prone to resist facts these days, but very prone to embrace the false narratives of their chosen bogus political ideologies.

    I caught an interview a few months ago with Lord Christopher Monckton who stated that the math used in attempts to "prove" "Global Warming / Climate Change" was bogus.  For those interested in the truth of this matter, here's a YouTube video where he goes into greater detail:

    "Global Warming - A Scare that is Over!"

    I'm just thankful that there are scientific math geeks willing to spend much effort in studying the false claims of those alarmists who wish to spread fear among the People of the entire planet in order to advance their agenda of control and dominance, exemplifying the pinnacle of greed and lust for power.  Because I'm not skilled in these areas.  Since my years of being an Apple Macintosh "guru" from the late 80's ~ mid 90's, my experience and study since has primarily centered upon the philosophy of liberty and the principles of natural law ( — for anyone who might be interested).

    Therefore, my attention toward all such fanciful claims of mankind causing "Climate Change", along with the previous bogus narratives, has mostly to do with recognizing the ongoing agenda of the STATE to usurp our various Natural Rights — which it has been doing in a gradual but steady pace arguably since 1913.

    I only happened to run across this entire thread by accident, while I was searching around in attempts to help a dear friend of mine with her again dead MacBook Air.  Apparently, there is a major issue with the logic boards failing on these "Air" models, and it appears Apple has not been forthright about the situation.

    Perhaps Apple should spend more time focusing on making its products reliable — as they used to be under the management of Stave Jobs — rather than getting involved in areas it, and apparently many others, know absolutely nothing about.  ;-)
  • Apple sticking with climate change fight despite Trump administration regulation loosening...

    It is impossible to "fight" climate change, because the climate is always changing on account of the sun’s ever changing activity. Further, as another Apple user posed here, one volcanic eruption can put out as much “carbon emissions” as did the entire Industrial Revolution.

    And let’s not kid ourselves about all this sudden concern from Apple over how the STATE needs to “save us” from the “big bad corporations”. Apple and other computer manufacturers used environmentally toxic chemicals in its products for decades. It wasn’t the STATE which caused Apple and other manufacturers to change their mind — it was pressure from the marketplace to change its ways.

    Certainly everyone should be doing their own part to avoid polluting our shared planet. But this "Ice Age / Global Warming / Climate Change" nonsense is not "green" (notice even how the false narrative changes throughout the years).

    If politicians REALLY cared about the environment, industrial hemp would have never been made illegal and remained so for the better part of a century.  Rather, the STATE gives financial incentives to supposed “green” companies, like for example those that make autos powered by batteries which is definitely NOT green.  The only “green” part about such deals cut between corporations and the STATE are the bureaucrats’ wallets being lined with more phony Federal Reserve Notes.

    People should consider not being so gullible and recognize the fact that all this “Climate Change” rubbish is yet just another big scam against the People by the largest corrupt corporation of all: the US Federal Government.

    — — —

    (Since I'm not seeing my follow up post being approved as quickly as my initial post, I'll just post it here...)

    WOW!  "Tallest Skil" has entirely blown away the weak — and typical — arguments from "Singularity"!  8-)

    Thank you "Tallest Skil" for addressing this nonsense with imperial facts.  It's amazing how people are so prone to resist facts these days, but very prone to embrace the false narratives of their chosen bogus political ideologies.

    I caught an interview a few months ago with Lord Christopher Monckton ( who stated that the math used in attempts to "prove" "Global Warming / Climate Change" was bogus.  For those interested in the truth of this matter, here's a YouTube video where he goes into greater detail:

    Global Warming Propaganda Explained - Lord Christopher Monckton 2014 NIPCC Convention

    I'm just thankful that there are scientific math geeks willing to spend much effort in studying the false claims of those alarmists who wish to spread fear among the People of the entire planet in order to advance their agenda of control and dominance, exemplifying the pinnacle of greed and lust for power.  I'm just not skilled in these areas.

    Since my years of being an Apple Macintosh "guru" from the late 80's ~ mid 90's, my experience and study since has primarily centered upon the philosophy of liberty and the principles of natural law ( — for anyone who might be interested).

    Therefore, my attention toward all such fanciful claims of mankind causing "Climate Change", along with the previous bogus narratives, has mostly to do with recognizing the ongoing agenda of the STATE to usurp our various Natural Rights — which it has been doing in a gradual but steady pace arguably since 1913.

    I only happened to run across this entire thread by accident, while I was searching around in attempts to help a dear friend of mine with her again dead MacBook Air.  Apparently, there is a major issue with the logic boards failing on these "Air" models, and it appears Apple has not been forthright about the situation.

    Perhaps Apple should spend more time focusing on making its products reliable — as it used to do under the management of Stave Jobs — rather than getting involved in areas it, and apparently many others, know absolutely nothing about.  ;-)

    tallest skilpatchythepirate