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  • iPhone 15 Pro Max costs 12% more to make than iPhone 14 counterpart

    Interesting. Apple haters would have you think it costs $100 to make an iPhone and Apple is just the embodiment of greed charging $1k+ for an iPhone. 
  • iPhone 15 Pro Max lead time at historical highs

    Phenomenal battery life is what’s keeping me in the Pro Max camp year after year. One handed use is a pain but worth not needing to worry about battery at all. 

    I wonder about Apple’s sales figures throughout the year. They should start offering more colors in the Pro model and less for non-Pros. 
  • Apple launched AirPods eight years ago, and changed the world again

    thedba said:
    When Apple announced the removal of the headphone jack on the iPhone 7, they didn't just present a dongle to the world.
    Many pundits blasted them for this, calling it dumb move, no one will get on board, they will loose sales, Steve Jobs never would've, etc...

    What they actually did, is show the world a much better way to do things. No more wires, instant pairing across all your devices. To their credit, they stuck to that vision and hindsight being 20/20, we now know that it was the right move all along. 

    John Gruber sometimes has a short segment on his site called "Claim Chowder".

    I'll never forget the absolute hatchet job the Verge attempted on the AirPods when they first debuted. They ripped on them so bad but ultimately had to go back and re-review them because people LOVED them and didn’t care about audiophile/tech reviewer priorities like lossless sound quality. 

    I fell in love with them immediately. I could watch stuff in bed without pillows or blankets ripping the cord out of my ears constantly. Literal game changers from day one and the rare product that is a massive success right out of the gate. 
  • EFF urges Apple to drop CSAM tool plans completely

    crowley said:
    Well that's a surefire way to get yourself sidelined.  If the EFF can't be reasonable and have a dialogue then they'll be treated as unreasonable and unworthy of dialogue.
    “If the EFF can’t be reasonable”

    What’s to say the EFF isn’t being reasonable here? I, and most others agree with their position I would bet. 
  • Almost nobody in the US used the Apple & Google COVID-19 apps


    the whole thing is wrong. 

    “Oh. There’s a new disease. So we must track you. And we need to know your movements as well as those of your contacts.” RIIIIGHT… that’s going to end well… 

    Forget HIPAA. Forget privacy. Not to mention potential abuse of something like this. 

    This kind of thing did not happen with HIV/AIDS, note the flu, nor pneumonia, nor anything. All of a sudden, a née deadly disease is out and we are supposed to happily forget our humanity so that people who tell us a different story every day can monitor us like lab rats. 

    No thanks. 
    Did you read about the technology at all before commenting this? It does not track you. You don’t even need location services on in order to use this. 

    I think your ignorance regarding this technology is the perfect demonstration for why people didn’t use it. They don’t know how it works, they have no interest in how it works and don’t mind making rush judgments based on that ignorance either. 