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  • Queen of Christmas bails out of Apple TV+, lands on CBS

    There's more to this then this blurb.
  • You'll be paying more for Apple Music, Apple TV+, Apple One subs soon

    jas99 said:
    I’ll gladly pay it. 

    It’s a great deal now, well worth a little higher price. 
    If your wallet is too fat for you, lucky you but that’s not the case for most of us. 
    I got a kick about Apple saying they started Apple TV at a very low price so they can justify the price hike.  They’re kidding I hope. There’s still plenty of other internet based names out there for free!  My Samsung has a great choices of shows for free.  
    Dear Apple, stop overcharging us and then try to justify it with lame excuses.  
    Charlie T
  • Apple Store union distributes job surveys in preparation for negotiations

    Sad news.  And thanks to our overpowered unions, we will pay more for our products with no say in the mater.  I’m sure we can switch watches, phone & pads, there’s plenty of them around but I didn't want to switch, I can switch and live with it but...
    I'm 77 and have seen some good unions but I can't remember when.  Did Steve leave any notes that the new guy can read?  Steve had mostly content employees and hungry to work on Apple's. . 
    That's enough of this, I'm just mad I didn't buy more $5.00 stocks.
    Charlie  T
  • How the FCC's repeal of net neutrality could affect Apple

    cgWerks said:
    One thing to keep in mind in this debate, is that the policy was never law. So, if it had any impact, it just kept the telecoms scared that it might someday.
    cf. 10m20s in

    Soli said:
    But that does affect users. It means that the costs are passed onto the users from Apple (an overall minor issue), and it means that corporations, like Apple, can afford to ink deals that push their services ahead of others, as well as squash smaller competitors (major issue for the free market).
    I think we need some form of net neutrality (the principal), but w/o the baggage. But, first, we need to get control of our government so we can keep them from doing worse than the corporations. Also, whatever form it takes, it will have to include some kind of common-sense aspect. For example, companies like Netflix and Apple can afford and currently put systems in place that give them unfair advantages to any competing service I might want to startup. All content hasn't been treated equally for a long time.

    To me, it's more about evaluating any collusion between a content producer and the distribution network. A content producer cutting some kind of deal with a particular content distribution mechanism is problematic. For example, if Disney wants to implement some kind of localized caching boxes to speed delivery of their content, they can't do so only with Comcast, or stuff like that
    theres plenty of collusion going all no matter the label. 
    tallest skilcgWerks
  • Introductory app subscription pricing coming to App Store

    I can’t believe Ap is actually condoning this highway robbery!  Not are they condoning it they are  encouraging it!  
    This bennitfits no one but Apple and the developer. I understand the developers needs to keep their books in the plus but that’s what upgrades are for. And now Apple has its fingers in the till only exacerbate this situation. 
    Ourages, just outrages!
    Charlie T