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  • No, Apple's new Mac Pro isn't overpriced

    Actually there ar some truths to this article and alot of fanboy stuff too though... example..

    Users have balked, and cracked jokes at the $400 Apple chooses to charge for wheels, yet don't think twice -- or even consider -- the $309 Microsoft charges for the operating system on a Windows workstation. 

    We talking about some freaking wheels vs and operating system in this case. Sounds like a fa boy talk....  I am sure someone is gonna try to reverse my comment on me. And can try but you will only prove my point even further.  

     I can't help but to think that the writer missed the idea in Apple's pricing.  The trick per say. See a windows workstation has myriads of options of accessories to pair with it that can be found at many price points. But to buy a Mac you can't just pair it with any old monitor. The lower price for the desktop is about Apple knowing their reputation for overpricing is becoming a known trait. The trick here is that instead of the desktop they chose to hike the price elsewhere.  Because they know the enclosed ecosystem they built. 

    So yep... 400 for wheels and $100 for a stand. Mind you isnt the material only what... aluminum? Well it used to be expensive...... not anymore. Rather it's the cheapest metal actually.  So you spend that much for wheels that costed how much to make? I'll bet that metal guy on YouTube could recreate those wheels for much less. 

    So yeah the HP costs more but due to having a more open ecosystem where people can opt to buy accessories from somewhere else at a lower price. 

    Now there are a few aspects where things fall even price wise. 

    Apple is playing a smart game that many after reading this still won't understand... lol...    But I do think it's a smart play. 

    This though is worth the use of the word Pro. I can't say that about the iPhone though despite Apple's efforts to make the phone look Pro by pushing that word everywhere when iPhone is the subject.  Some are just too blinded to see that. There is nothing really pro about an iPhone.  It makes a smartphone easy to use for NON-PROS.

    This computer though is nice. Too much $ though for me. Performance seems cool but I haven't seen anyone really test the thing out yet. (If anyone on YouTube has test it out in a real test let me know. I wanna see that video. Last one I saw was a recording studio test which didn't even put a dent. 