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  • Video: iPhone X vs Note 8 - Real World Comparison after 1 month

    longfang said:
    Shane0527 said:
    FaceID is awful! I have to type in my passcode the majority of the time to access my phone. Need directions while you’re driving? Better pull over because you have to fully interact with the phone to unlock it to get directions. This is the iPhone I strongly dislike!
    Works 99% of the time for me, unless I have it at an extreme angle. Maybe your phone doesn’t like your face.
    And I am the one being called a troll? That was some great information you provided there! Thank you!
  • Video: iPhone X vs Note 8 - Real World Comparison after 1 month

    Shane0527 said:
    FaceID is awful! I have to type in my passcode the majority of the time to access my phone. Need directions while you’re driving? Better pull over because you have to fully interact with the phone to unlock it to get directions. This is the iPhone I strongly dislike!
    LOL.  I have to agree.  But you knew fanboys were going to swarm all over you, right.
    Nonsense, we just know bullshit when we see it. To call those of us who actually have and use the product trolls is another troll tactic and against forum rules. 
    Obviously you don’t know BS when you see it. I have reset FaceID and it is working better. Thank you for your informative and insiteful information to help with my situation. Oh wait you didn’t, you just know how to spew discontent. Merry Christmas!
  • Video: iPhone X vs Note 8 - Real World Comparison after 1 month

    rob53 said:
    Shane0527 said:
    FaceID is awful! I have to type in my passcode the majority of the time to access my phone. Need directions while you’re driving? Better pull over because you have to fully interact with the phone to unlock it to get directions. This is the iPhone I strongly dislike!
    What are you doing accessing your phone while you’re driving? That’s illegal in most states so quit complaining. 
    Um, as I said, looking for directions. I guess you never used a GPS before?  With TouchID... hey Siri I need directions to 123 any street. Siri responds asking to unlock phone. Touch the fingerprint scanner and off we go. Eyes never go off the road. FaceID ask the same question and now have to pull over to unlock phone. Also I must commend you that you have never, ever touched your phone while driving! 
  • Video: iPhone X vs Note 8 - Real World Comparison after 1 month

    FaceID is awful! I have to type in my passcode the majority of the time to access my phone. Need directions while you’re driving? Better pull over because you have to fully interact with the phone to unlock it to get directions. This is the iPhone I strongly dislike!