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  • Editorial: Bloomberg spins Apple's Event as a desperate, blind stab for cheap iPads in edu...

    This editorial reeks of so much defensive desperation that I have a difficult time buying into any of the conclusions the author is attempting to put forth.

    Honestly, before you click on the link of an article written by DED you can just imagine how laden with hyperbole and manufactured vitriol it will be.

    And he never fails to deliver!

    I just picture an unobjective loyalist hunched over a keyboard late at night slamming on his keyboard in rage and frustration keeping up the fight against a world where Apple makes mistakes, or where other companies have the capability to make/offer better products/services.

    Actually, you know what? He probably has a detective's crazy wall at home entitled 'The World vs Apple' where he has a tough time deciding which villain should have the most strings leading back to it: Google, Amazon or Microsoft.

    I'm still waiting for an update to his pure conjecture BS article about the purchase of Beats leading to HomePod tech, given recent reports which show HomePod was being developed two years before the Beats purchase. I'm not holding my breath.

    canukstormaressaressavon b7
  • Apple's next NeXT: how buying Beats launched a sneak attack on the future of sound

    You have literally no proof that AirPods and HomePod technology was borne out the Beats purchase. It's pure conjecture; Apple typically is developing technology for many years before it sees the light of day, and suggesting that they didn't have a capable audio team before Beats came on board is rubbish. It's also worth noting that many audiophiles and tech reviewers have/had/and do pan Beats products for average or middling audio quality when compared to other brands. This article is simply conjecture and seems to be another DED Apple love fest.
    hammeroftruthrusswBubbaTwoelijahgtallest skilbigcountryentropysbaconstangrevenantrazorpit