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  • Nanoleaf Remote is a HomeKit remote control that gets people talking

    I saw these at CES too and felt the same way.  I've got the Eve buttons (please don't buy, they are slow and buggy as hell), and on the subject of Eve, yes the app gives a lot more conditionals but it's not as effective in the real world.  For example I've got the Eve weather in my living room and I have it set to turn on my ceiling fan which is controlled by a lutron switch when the temp rises above 72 degrees (my living room gets hot in the AM because of east facing windows and I purposely didn't put an ecobee sensor in that room because my AC would run nonstop).  Some times the eve sensor works great and the fan kicks on (and off), but most days, nothing.

    I also have the Hue switches, which I absolutely love, yes only 4 buttons, but they work 100% of the time.  I've removed switches from the wall and run the wires hot and replaced them with the hue switch because it just works better.

    This nano leaf remote is pretty cool, but it's not wife/non smarthome geek friendly.  12 sides is too many, I even took a label maker to remember the sides, and spinning it to find the right number is way more work (I know first world problems), than I want to do.  What I've resorted to is 1/2 the switch is "on, and the bottom half is off.  But even in that setup it works only 50% of the time.

    It's a great concept, and perhaps there will be airplay integration allowing for a turning of the die to turn up and down the volume of airplay speakers or dimming hue lights, this currently works for dimming nanoleaf panels only.

    Either way, I hate to say bad things about nanoleaf, they're a great company with some super cool products, the panels are badass, but this switch just doesn't cut it in my house.