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  • Use your new iPad Pro and Apple Pencil with these updated apps

    The new iPad Pro looks impressive. I have been very happy with my original iPad Pro. Whilst I have issues with the keyboard and pencil the large screen continues to impress, My initial thoughts were to upgrade to the new model for the enhanced screen resolution and performance. I had a look at the new MB Air and was equally impressed with the new model. I did some pricing comparisons and concluded it would be cheaper to buy the MB Air than an iPad Pro with keyboard, cover and pencil. Whilst the i5 Intel chip is relative old , the latest incarnation has excellent power consumption from a battery life perspective. 

    The Apple announcement highlighted the power of the iPad Pro showing games and Adobe Photoshop running. So what is the better option? The MB Air is a real laptop whereas the iPad Pro is a laptop replacement. Perhaps the answer lies in the Operating System? Thoughts and comments appreciated.
  • AirPods 2.0 -- What we expect & what we hope to see

    Great article and very informative. I’d vote for the improved Bluetooth (W2/W3) chip and greater volume output. / (background noise suppression). Typically I use my AirPods when I am exercising. This is great with the Apple Watch 3 as I leave my phone at home and can listen to Music as I walk. By tapping on one ear (AirPod) I can invoke Siri and adjust the volume or request a different playlist. It would be great to be able to listen to iBooks or Podcasts too. (Perhaps an Apple Watch 4 enhancement). 

    Whilst some users have positive experience with water resistance it would be great to insert the AirPods in your ears, pull on a swimming cap and go for a swim with the Apple Watch 4 providing the content. Fitness appears to be one thing Apple encourages and this would take some of the boredom out of doing laps in a pool.

    I would have though some additional health sensors would be a positive addition. AirPods are in your ears and should be able to sense temperature , pulse and ....?. The Apple Watch does provide great support here but both working together could open up new diagnostic capabilities.