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  • Apple and Verizon pointing fingers at each other about iPhone XS activation failures

    Hey guys, appreciate you writing up this article. I had a really bad experience with my iPhone X Max. 

    1) UPS Delivery issue:
    Was waiting at home all day for the phone UPS delivery didn't ring my doorbell and was going to take the phone back with them thinking I wasn't in my apartment. Thankfully my super signed for it.

    2) Activation issue:
    Couldn't activate my phone with billing postal code and pin code and and called the MYPHONE Apple number. They made me connect to iTunes and reinstall iOS for no reason. They said I have to do it that way if I didn't buy the phone from my carrier and bought it from Apple. This I am sure isn't true. This also didn't help. At the end iTunes asked for Verizon pin code and billing zip code and it wouldn't accept.

    I contacted Verizon and then Verizon didn't know what was happening and contacted Apple who didn't know what was happening either and Apple took down all my details and said an Engineer would get back to them in 24-48 hours. This took hours.

    I looked online and read that people had success activating with their old pins. So I spent a few hours searching for my old pin from a year ago.. I found it eventually and this worked! 

    No offense to anyone, This is what Apple's 15th phone they've released? Apple and Verizon should really have this all figured out and tested properly. If they're taking my money at least give me a pain free experience. I shouldn't have to worry about if I am going to get my phone or if I am going to have to spend 7 hours troubleshooting to make it work. 
