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  • Should the Apple Store be forced to sell lemons?

    Hope you are recovering well Dan! Always enjoy your opinion(ated) pieces.

  • How gaming on the Mac is getting better with macOS Ventura

    Apple has basically driven a stake into the heart of Windows games running on macOS. I don't think they have any interest in it. And why should they? It doesn't make much money for Apple compared to iOS games, and the user experience of playing slow, buggy, expensive ports of Windows games that came out years ago isn't particularly great. 

    Apple's path forward probably lies in promoting gaming on iOS/iPadOS/tvOS, evolving Apple TV into a better game console alternative (hopefully with well-designed controllers with buttons, improved 4K graphics with ray tracing, etc.), and ensuring that iOS/iPadOS/tvOS games can run on macOS as well. And implementing Continuity so that you can seamlessly migrate the same game session across all of your Apple devices.

    Apple Arcade seems to be the first step, but if you look at Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft they all benefit from high profile first/second-party exclusives along with some third party exclusives and timed exclusives. Apple has a few (Fantasian, Sneaky Sasquatch) but could use many more. Also game developers would benefit from a longer window of backward compatibility rather than yearly breakage from iOS updates. Other platforms maintain compatibility over 7 years or more.

    Nothing against Crossover or Parallels, but I think the path forward for Windows/Steam gaming on macOS, assuming it could ever happen, would be Windows for ARM running via an Apple Silicon version of Boot Camp. I'm not sure if Apple and Microsoft have any interest in making this happen however.
  • Blizzard and Backbone partner for better 'Diablo Immortal' experience on mobile

    Backbone+ adds an obnoxious $50/year subscription fee to what would otherwise be a pretty decent game controller.
    Diablo Immortal adds obnoxious whale-hunting monetization schemes to what would otherwise be a pretty decent game.
    If these companies made ice cream they would figure out some way to include a hot manure sauce mix-in.

  • Apple should not be injecting ads in its Apple Music playlists

    Absolutely terrible.

    They also shouldn't abuse the OS by inserting advertisements in it (e.g. in the Settings app) and they should not abuse notifications for sending advertisements for Apple subscription services.

    Ads in search in the app store are also garbage, because you search for an app by its exact title and it ends up below the fold and instead you get an ad for some other app unless the original developer paid protection money to Apple.

    The drive for ever greater revenue from subscription services is harming the user experience. 

  • US investigating Apple, Samsung, and more over Wi-Fi patent complaint

    chadbag said:
    rob53 said:
    I remember watching a movie about the actual inventor of intermittent windshield wipers. A car manufacturer stole the design and the inventor had to go to court and he finally prevailed. I don’t remember if he kept the patent but he had an actual unique product, not a theory. These patents need to be protected because they’re real products. The majority of junk getting patented today aren’t unique products, just ideas. 

    As for going to a Texas court, that proves they’re simply trying to get money on a non real product. 
    What?  If it was a non real product then there would be nobody to sue.  Since somebody has an actual real product they are being sued because that actual real product is alleged to contain a non licensed version of the patented technology.   
    I assume rob53 probably meant that the company was an NPE with no competing product on the market, and certainly no competing product in Texas, but that venue shopping allowed them to pick a district that has been friendly to NPE patent lawsuits against Apple and others. 
