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  • Apple cancels AirPower wireless charging mat, citing quality issues

    ElCapitan said:

    Perhaps it will teach Timmy & Co to go back to good, old, well tested Apple product management practices of NOT announcing product till they are ready to ship (meaning they are also properly tested)!

    Now if they had done the same with certain keyboards too,  a lot of grief on both sides of the coin would have been avoided. 
    Stop trolling please. The discussion has been going well. We don't need these "Timmy" trolling comments. 
    elijahgrandominternetpersonStrangeDaysroundaboutnowtmayfastasleepsuddenly newtonmacguipscooter63
  • Apple cancels AirPower wireless charging mat, citing quality issues

    cecil4444 said:
    So it was always ever vaporware. Nice going, Apple.
    I think you should do a little homework so you can understand what Vaporware truly is. Obviously you don't. 
  • Apple's apology for small amount of 2018 MacBook Pro keyboard failures still isn't enough

    MplsP said:
    HenryDJP said:
    I’d love to know the actual legit numbers. 

    While im sure there are some real defective keyboards, I doubt it’s above 1%. 

    Thats the mind of failure rate of anything. Screen, hinge, etc. 

    i bought the 2016 mbp. Maxed. 

    LOVE the keyboard. Can’t stand keys with unnessecary steep travel. The mbp keys are perfect. Not too much Tavel and not too little. Just right. They do need to stop here though. Any less travel is rough. 

    Also... ZERO issues with keys despite it being abused 8+ hours a day, every day for the past couple years. 

    Apple should keep refining the new keyboard. Don’t go backward to the old steep keys, just keep perfecting the new design. 

    You have to wonder the use cases of these reports. Apple is often the target of frivolous crap. 

    “I was using my MacBook Pro in the middle of a sandstorm and now it has issues with the keyboard. What the heck, Apple?”

    I agree with this. I love my 2018 MBP 15". No issues with the keyboard. I'm also inclined to believe the defect numbers are far lower than people think. All people have to hear is the name "APPLE" and it sparks the haters. They use any news about Apple and elevate it so many levels higher than what it truly is. As soon as one person says they are having issues with their Apple product then the haters (especially on that awful Macrumors) who don't even own the product will crap on Apple and say "Tim Cook Needs to Go", blah blah blah. Then those haters create petitions against Apple and such. Then suddenly Dell, Lenovo, HP and MS Surface are problem free, because according to social media Apple sucks. 
    Apple donated $1 million to disaster relief recently and the haters said Apple was being cheap and should've donated more, even thought Apple didn't have to donate at all. I'm sure those haters didn't donate anything. The bigger Apple has gotten, the worse the haters and critics have become, thanks to social media. 

    Apple is not going to continue selling computers that they know for a fact are defective. The company would have to pay for repairs during the 1 year warranty. That's not good business sense. I wish people would understand this logic, rather than jumping on the hater wagon. 
    Several differences - if I pay $400 for a cheap laptop and the keyboard goes out I understand that I bought a cheap laptop. A MacBook Pro is not a  cheap laptop. 

    If I were a PC user, I could get. Dell. Or a Lenovo, or any number of other brands. As a Mac user, I have a choice of ...Apple. In the lad that was fine. Their laptops were more expensive, but they had the quality to match and I’m ok with paying for quality. I’m not ok paying for problems. 

    Futther more, the very design of the computer prevents easy repair of the keyboard, making the repair time consuming and costly. Fortunately, Apple has stepped up to the plate for now and is footing the bill, but we are all at their mercy with this. They could discontinue the program next week. I’d rather have a reliable device than a good warranty. 

    My daughter asked me about a new computer for college last night. She started off with my 2011 MacBook Air that is not up to the task. (Although the keyboard still works perfectly) sadly I don’t think I can recommend a MacBook for her. She’s going to treat it like a college student, and given the issues I’ve had with mine after treating it gently, I’m afraid hers wouldn’t last. 

    You can can call me a hater, but when I pay for quality, I expect quality. 
    " if I pay $400 for a cheap laptop and the keyboard goes out I understand that I bought a cheap laptop. A MacBook Pro is not a  cheap laptop. "

    You are equating price with perfection, and that makes no sense. And let's be real about it. It's just a keyboard problem. It's not a logic board problem, not an SSD problem, not a screen problem, which are things that would completely prevent anyone from using the computer at all. You're making it sound like Apple's entire laptop sucks left right and sideways. I'm not trying to downplay the keyboard, but you are saying that paying a 
    premium for an Apple device means it needs to be 100% perfect, and that's just not logical with mass produced products. I don't know how long you've been a Mac user but I've been using Macs exclusively for the past 20 years and I can name a laundry list of issues with my Macs that Apple has had to publicly announce and fix, so this isn't something new in terms of Macs having problems. Social media of today is what exacerbates any small problems about Apple's products, as if there were never problems with their products in the past. 

    "You can can call me a hater, but when I pay for quality, I expect quality."

    Well those are your words. I never called anyone here that, nor what I said earlier about haters had anything to do with what you just wrote. 
  • Apple's apology for small amount of 2018 MacBook Pro keyboard failures still isn't enough

    I’d love to know the actual legit numbers. 

    While im sure there are some real defective keyboards, I doubt it’s above 1%. 

    Thats the mind of failure rate of anything. Screen, hinge, etc. 

    i bought the 2016 mbp. Maxed. 

    LOVE the keyboard. Can’t stand keys with unnessecary steep travel. The mbp keys are perfect. Not too much Tavel and not too little. Just right. They do need to stop here though. Any less travel is rough. 

    Also... ZERO issues with keys despite it being abused 8+ hours a day, every day for the past couple years. 

    Apple should keep refining the new keyboard. Don’t go backward to the old steep keys, just keep perfecting the new design. 

    You have to wonder the use cases of these reports. Apple is often the target of frivolous crap. 

    “I was using my MacBook Pro in the middle of a sandstorm and now it has issues with the keyboard. What the heck, Apple?”

    I agree with this. I love my 2018 MBP 15". No issues with the keyboard. I'm also inclined to believe the defect numbers are far lower than people think. All people have to hear is the name "APPLE" and it sparks the haters. They use any news about Apple and elevate it so many levels higher than what it truly is. As soon as one person says they are having issues with their Apple product then the haters (especially on that awful Macrumors) who don't even own the product will crap on Apple and say "Tim Cook Needs to Go", blah blah blah. Then those haters create petitions against Apple and such. Then suddenly Dell, Lenovo, HP and MS Surface are problem free, because according to social media Apple sucks. 
    Apple donated $1 million to disaster relief recently and the haters said Apple was being cheap and should've donated more, even thought Apple didn't have to donate at all. I'm sure those haters didn't donate anything. The bigger Apple has gotten, the worse the haters and critics have become, thanks to social media. 

    Apple is not going to continue selling computers that they know for a fact are defective. The company would have to pay for repairs during the 1 year warranty. That's not good business sense. I wish people would understand this logic, rather than jumping on the hater wagon. 
  • Apple COO Jeff Williams 'aware' of iPhone, Mac price concerns

    mindwaves said:
    Not buying Apple's argument. When the cost of a Mac mini goes up 60%, Apple Pencil 30%, Apple TV 50% or so, something else is wrong. It's not inflation, it's greed. Imagine the cost of your Toyota Camry up 30% the next year for an all-new design and more HP. It's the same thing and now imagine that if the spare tire was extra.

    Apple is insanely greedy these days. I remember the days when Steve Jobs stood up and say "And it's still $ xx," where xx was the same price was last year. Not anymore. Add a 30% premium and that is the new price these days.

    I make a lot more money now than what I did a few years ago, but cannot stomach seeing a $129 wireless keyboard when I can buy the same thing for $40 at some other place. Sure there may be minor issues between the two, but the issues are minor and not worth the 3x premium I have to pay.
    Then fine dude. You don't have to buy Apple's argument and you also don't have to buy their products. Kinda sick of this "Apple is greedy" crap. Every single person here who calls Apple greedy would be syphoning every penny they could from their customers if they were in Apple's shoes. It's business. That's the beauty of choice. You have it. 