Wesley Hilliard


Wesley Hilliard
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  • Apple Vision Pro is already a win for Apple & consumers

    tht said:

    I don't see that as dramatic. That's standard project engineering on a given schedule and budget. You ship, then you iterate. The first couple of iterations of the product have to be good enough and sell in enough numbers to eventually fund iterations of successive generations. Changes are always made to provide the best features and features that aren't used are removed.

    This is going to the Vision Pro. It's at a minimum viable state, and is going to go through a lot of iteration. Some of the advertised features today will be dropped, others will be leaned into and new ones created.

    I'm just tired of hearing people say the original Apple Watch was not a health and fitness device and Apple had to change direction. That is simply not true.
    yeah, we agree on all these points.
  • Apple Vision Pro is already a win for Apple & consumers

    tht said:
    What do you mean by dramatic? What changed in the operating system? How about some UI screenshots?

    I use my Apple Watch as a notification device all the time. Phone calls, text message replays. That's not Digital Touch or sending heartbeats, but it is still communication, which was a tentpole type feature from the beginning. I basically use the Apple Watch in accordance to the original tentpoles: time, fitness, communication, and weather. Don't see any big changes.
    You want me to do the research and gather screenshots from an operating system that existed nearly a decade ago because you don't understand my point? Yeah, sorry, no.

    If you believe you're correct, go nuts. Or go look at the information yourself. It's not like I'm unique in my perspective since it's what happened.

    What changed? The entire functionality of the operating system. How apps were loaded. What the buttons did. What data was obtained and processed on device versus on the phone. Native SDKs weren't even available until watchOS 2.

    The platform got turned on its head. Go look into it, it's quite the fascinating history. Or don't, I don't care. lol
  • Apple Vision Pro is already a win for Apple & consumers

    tht said:

    I've heard it too often now. Health and fitness was one of the 3 tentpole features Apple designed the Apple Watch for. There was literally a Watch called the "Watch Sport" in the original lineup. It was definitely what they designed it for. It wasn't a change in direction or anything. It's was just incremental feature improvements.
    Yes, the original Apple Watch had health features and fitness tracking, of course it did. But I'm referring to the dramatic change in the operating system and change in emphasis on features. The original launch focused on Digital Touch, having contacts attached to the side button, and running iPhone-attached apps.

    By watchOS 3 all of that was abandoned. Apple moved to a fitness and health first focus, notification triage as a feature, and on-device app experiences.

    The changes were dramatic and constant in the beginning.
    blastdoorAlex1NBart Ywatto_cobra
  • Netflix dropping Basic ads-free tier, forcing users to choose a more profitable tier

    charlesn said:
    wozwoz said:
    > "leaving users to choose between spending more money or more time with ads"

    There is of course a third option, which is to leave Netflix and find something better to do with your time. Most of their content, imo, is very mediocre, and there have only been a couple of series that I have been interested to switch it ON or, and then OFF again when done.
    I'd say a call to the Guinness Book is in order asap!
    No need to be an ass. But in reality when you have 36,000 hours of content, statistically most of it will be mediocre at best. And that's being generous. For me, out of the 6,500 series on the platform, I find about 10 worth paying to see. 

    To each their own.
  • How to use Stolen Device Protection

    whodiini said:

    No it cannot.  There is a separate passcode to reset screen time which makes it more secure.  That is the whole purpose - one passcode to enter into your phone, another separate passcode to reset important settings such as the phone passcode, turn off find my iphone, ....
    Ok, so it's a little convoluted. But Screen Time doesn't prevent someone from accessing your iCloud Passwords. That means all they have to do is get your Apple ID and password from keychain, then use that to disable the screen time passcode, then they can do whatever they want.

    Stolen Device Protection prevents people from accessing your passwords without biometrics. You don't need to have Screen Time passcode active at that point unless it just makes you feel better, but it is an unnecessary pain.