Wesley Hilliard


Wesley Hilliard
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  • iPhone 16 to use graphene heat sink to solve overheating issues

    So... what good does this do when most iPhone owners have their phone in a case that has very poor thermal conductivity?
    Getting the heat off of the battery and the processor is the first priority. After that, it's not that big an issue. The graphene heat sink is more important for getting heat away from critical components, which will be more efficient than what's there now.
  • Volvo to focus on value adds outside the infotainment system, will leave CarPlay alone

    FYI - There are hundreds of American companies that make their own clothing in America. There are three companies in the USA that make TVs. There are ten companies in America that assemble computers. And look below where this iPhone model is made (in a country that is a democracy.)
    idk dude. That's a lot of sidestepping to rationalize buying a product that's sourced mostly from China. You're not going to avoid the country, so it's best not to try or else risk losing your mind. Like, even if the companies that make TVs in America are local, it is almost guaranteed the parts and chips come from outside the US, most of which are sourced from China.

    You're fighting a losing battle here. "American Made" is one of the biggest lies of the 21st century. Like, you're going to have a hard time finding a single consumer product that doesn't have one piece of its development sourced from China at some point, be it labor, materials, machinery used in the assembly line, etc.

    Even if an iPhone says made in Taiwan or made in India, most of its parts and origin is China. It's just the reality we've created by outsourcing everything.
    Who the hell chooses a vehicle based on the infotainment system?
    It's actually one of the most popular decision points for most consumers shopping for cars. I'm one of them. No CarPlay, no purchase.
  • Apple to pay $25 million settlement over illegally favoring immigrant workers

    Xed said:
    What do you mean by "immigrant" v citizen and green card holder. I know many now citizens who are immigrants into the US, and many more that are still "Green Card" holders. 
    Immigrant versus permanent resident of the United States. Meaning someone who will eventually return to their home country and is working with a Visa rather than a local person with a home and such.
    Is that demonstrably true?

    I’m not being snarky, actually curious. 
    Yes. There are numerous extensive studies over decades showing that a more diverse group will produce better work than non-diverse groups.
  • Apple Watch Ultra fall detection dials 911 after man with diabetes fell unconscious

    As a person with diabetes I want to be referred to as a person with diabetes never as a diabetic. What do you call someone with cancer? A cancerous?
    I painted myself into a corner with that headline. I recalled something like that with the language, but couldn't remember. Thanks for pointing it out.
  • Apple to double Indian iPhone production in 2024, says Ming-Chi Kuo

    AppleZulu said:
    "Noted analyst Ming-Chi Kuo..."

    Noted for what, exactly? Let's remember Kuo's record from way back earlier this week.

    The only real leakers in the game today are Gurman, Kuo, and a handful of social media anons. Kuo is noted as an analyst for years of quality reporting. Note that everyone changed their tune at the last minute before this event, not just Kuo.

    Apple clearly kept this under wraps better than previous releases. The reason it was easier to hide was the lack of form factor changes. Everything is identical except for the chips and a MacBook color.

    I'm not sure that "noted" is a superlative. It's accurate. He's a long time supply chain analyst of note and worth paying attention to. We're not just going to ignore him.

    And to quash that conspiracy theory, no, Kuo doesn't manipulate the stock market. Leave that to the professionals at CNBC. lol