Wesley Hilliard


Wesley Hilliard
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  • Twitter Inc. no longer exists, now X Corp.

    "Nothing suggests that X Corp. will actually lead to the X app"


    Except Elon Musk publicly stating that Twitter will become X, the everything app. Over and over again. 

    Elon Musk is not a reliable source of information, or really, anything.
  • DreameBot L10s Ultra review: Too-noisy automated cleaning

    At this point, it's impossible to take you, as an author, to any serious degree. It's frankly quite disappointing.
    Think what you like. That just isn’t my experience. Those numbers are much lower than what I observed.

    I’m not overly concerned about what another reviewer said. When I measure the decibel output of this machine, I get much higher numbers. That’s the reality.

    could be the rooms we tested in, the equipment we used. But I can say that anyone who said a high powered vacuum cleaner sounds like a library is incredibly off base.

    You actually believe the “turbo” setting on a vacuum with a higher-than-standard suction rating will sound quieter than rainfall? That’s what this reviewer said. And that’s physically impossible.

    Believe what you like. But don’t insult my professionalism and ability based on nonsensical measurements from a random website.

    Regardless, it appears we both recommend the vacuum. But I seem to be more realistic about what it sounds like and it’s performance.

    I won’t respond again. You’ve clearly decided that a vacuum cleaner can be as quiet as a refrigerator for some reason. Do what you like with that information.
  • DreameBot L10s Ultra review: Too-noisy automated cleaning

    It’s literally one of the quietest robo vacs (especially mop + vac) on the market.
    I mean. 3.5 is above average, which this robot is. The noise level is mostly attributable to the higher suction, which doesn’t seem too necessary as my Shark vacuum doesn’t get as loud but cleans as well.

    This review you linked seems off. Their 40ish decibel rating must have been taken while mopping, because the vacuum even at a low setting showed at least 60 decibels. On a rug when it kicks to high reaches 75 to 80.

    Then the base station cleaning and sounds of water moving and high speed scrubbing can be quite loud, even if it only takes a few minutes to complete that cycle. It’s much louder and longer than when I’ve used just a vacuum robot.

    all that said, it isn’t really a problem. It seems you’re stuck on the numerical score I gave it. 3.5 is a really good score. It means we recommend the product and it’s good for its class and price.

    A 4 would mean it excels in its class but misses in a few key categories. 4.5 is near perfect with just one flaw. 5 means nothing can top it in the industry.

    don’t focus so much on the numerical score. I was quite fair in my review and have used this device for weeks. If you like the other person’s review, that’s fine.

    remember that reviews are highly opinionated. And scores differ from site to site. This review reflects my personal experience. Not a scientific test that will provide the same results no matter who does it.

    maybe I’m more sensitive to noise than the other reviewer. If anyone sees this review and thinks “this is a bad robot and I shouldn’t buy it” then they are quite cynical and didn’t understand my review.
  • Apple cuts select corporate retail jobs in streamlining effort

    I would think that would be a fairly small team.
    Oh yeah, this feels incredibly tiny. If it were any other company, it would be too small to be news, but Apple gonna Apple.

    However, somehow I think this is going to be held up as a headlining topic and take up about 2 hours of CNBC tomorrow. lol
  • Is Apple about to announce a 'Broadcast' App?

    In the end, we choose what we cover here. You choose what you read. That’s our relationship.

    I appreciate the depth and emotional reaction to a simple post about an app name creates. It means I’ve done my job anyway.

    Thanks for the advice on how to run our website though. But I will say, if a website like ours was run that way we’d be closed in a week.

    Anyway, I’m tired of this thread. Feel free to yell into the abyss some more if you need, I’ll be back in other threads.

    I do wonder though, how would you react if Apple does announce a Broadcast app? It seems you’re so confident that you’re right that you’ve forgotten that you could also be wrong. Never forget to be humble on the internet. 