Wesley Hilliard


Wesley Hilliard
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member, administrator, moderator, editor
  • Is Apple about to announce a 'Broadcast' App?

    AppleZulu said:

    Ah, the old “we’re just asking questions” game.
    "We're just asking questions" is a euphemism used when discussing concern trolls, fake news coverage, or a disguise of willful ignorance.

    We demonstrated an understanding of the topic and posed a question based on the facts provided. Which is the base tenet of the scientific method.

    I don't understand your critique here. Apple is the one who told the developer it was using a name that is associated with an Apple app or property. That isn't implication, it is reality.

    It is ok that you didn't care about the topic. Obviously, we're going to cover things you don't care about. But don't confuse that lack of care with our poor judgment. You've not exactly provided any good reason for us not to cover the story other than your dislike for it.

    Anyway, happy to chat here as always. Believe it or not, I do read the comments.
  • Is Apple about to announce a 'Broadcast' App?

     It's straight up clickbait in the form of conjecture. At least be honest about what you are doing. 
    An app being rejected by Apple isn't the news, though, so your title wouldn't reflect the story we've written. The app rejection and reason for rejection indicate that Apple could be planning a Broadcasts app based on past evidence. It isn't clickbait if the premise of the entire article is the question posed in the title.

    We discuss the question and provide multiple possibilities. That's how news of this nature is covered.

    Clickbait is defined as misleading the reader using a title that doesn't relate to the content. If we said "Here's when Apple is launching its Broadcast app" that would be considered clickbait. Or, "Apple reveals Broadcasts as its next app name." But no, we posed a question that could be asked based on the events that unfolded and provided guidance about why we're asking such a question.

    Remember, disliking something doesn't make it clickbait, and not everything on this website will appeal to every reader. :)

    The key here is this: what if Apple does announce a Broadcast app and we didn't cover this? We'd have missed a big scoop! Better to cover it and be wrong than know about it and do nothing. That's just how this industry works. And I reiterate, there's nothing misleading about the headline -- we didn't say this was absolute and we explain the title in the first sentence.
  • UK police shocked to discover taser disguised as iPhone

    mknelson said:
    Taser is "WTF! Keep us out of this!"

    The original report properly calls it an "electroshock weapon". 
    Yeah, semantics are fun, but do you also call velcro "hook and loop fasteners" because you want to avoid the brand? I've never once heard a real-life person call a device like this an "electroshock weapon."

    Writing has to be understood, and people understand what a taser is. :)
  • What is iPhone Clean Energy Charging, and what you need to know

    Dooofus said:
    Of course, what's not mentioned is if it costs more. "Clean" energy certainly costs more to produce, so if the power company is charging you more, this feature is costing you money. I'll be turning this off. Until China, India and other developing countries are compelled to share the burden of "saving the planet" with those of us in the west, I'm (literally) not buying it.
    It isn't mentioned because it isn't true. If anything, the opposite is true. Charging your iPhone during peak electrical draw periods that cause the most pollution will cost more. Electricity costs more per hour during peak draw.

    It is highly unlikely that the cleanest time to charge will coincide with the most expensive time to charge. It physically doesn't make sense unless your area relies on purely renewable energy and nuclear power.
  • 'Car Keys Tests' app surfaces on App Store

    Would kill for third-party manufacturers to build aftermarket key systems with CarKey support. I suppose Apple's own API's might be stopping them for security reasons. Let me install this on my car myself, please.

    I mean, it's gotta be on a roadmap somewhere, right? We can install aftermarket CarPlay, this is the next step. Aftermarket ignition and security systems exist, so get on it, Apple!