Wesley Hilliard


Wesley Hilliard
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  • Espresso 17 Pro review: Magnetic & modular portable Mac monitor

    For $800 that’s ridiculous for just a 17” monitor…
    I'm not sure "just" is the right word here. I think it's a similar pricing problem to the Studio Display. They've packed it with specs that make it a really good monitor, added some cool accessories that make it unique, and developed software to make it even better.

    You get your money's worth. Question is, is such a monitor worth it for you specifically? There's an important distinction between overpriced and expensive, and I don't think this is overpriced at all.
  • iPhone 16 dummy units show off Capture button, new camera bump

    Is the wallpaper in the image Basic Apple Guy? Do you have to give him credit?
    It is Basic Apple Guy. We work with him on different designs sometimes. He's got credit on the article we frequently post with wallpapers he's made for us. The one in this story hasn't been released yet though.

    But good eye. 
  • Apple responds to DOJ antitrust lawsuit by refuting every claim

    robjn said:
    i don’t see a link in this article to where Apple made these comments. perhaps someone can point it out to me.
    Apple made the comments directly to AppleInsider and other publications.
  • Listening on Apple Vision Pro: Audio Pods vs AirPods Pro vs AirPods Max

    rundhvid said:
    computational audio

    Next week:
    —AppleInsider will reveal the meaning behind the moniker “computational audio”!

    —computational audio is audio.

    We didn't invent this term. It's audio synthesized by algorithms that changes how it sounds beyond simple stereo or surround.
  • Apple Vision Pro one month review: a new reality is setting in

    anyone who thinks a Vision Pro is an iPad that you strap to your head doesn’t understand what's going on with the Version 1 product.

    To be clear, the hardware is developer-oriented and not the real product.

    The real product is the software, and an unimaginative reviewer is not the person I would ask where this tech is headed.
    I assume you're not familiar with my writing on all this, but you should go read my previous review and my preview explaining why Vision Pro is a win. The path we're on because of Vision Pro is very exciting, but at launch, it's still very much an iPad with a fascinating UI paradigm.

    that is becoming less true as apps take advantage of spatial. It just takes time.