Wesley Hilliard


Wesley Hilliard
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  • Abandoned $10 billion Apple Car project referred to as 'Titanic disaster' by employees

    dk49 said:
    I find this low margin argument BS. Are you saying that Apple executives didn't knew about the existing low margins in the car industry when they started? Ofcourse they did. But like every category Apple enters, they must have thought of commanding a high premium based on some industry leading design, innovative features, and something not seen in the industry before. 
    The auto industry is low margin, yes. Apple of course knew this. But the industry is trending to even lower margins in a race to the bottom. Apple has no interest participating in that. That's new. That's what changed.

    Demand for EVs has fallen off in recent years. Companies are looking for shortcuts and ways to cut costs while lowering prices. All things that Apple won't do, so it would be entering a market with a $100k behemoth when few people want it and those that do are shopping for $30k vehicles.

    It became a lose lose.
  • Abandoned $10 billion Apple Car project referred to as 'Titanic disaster' by employees

    sbdude said:
    Whatever helps you sleep at night. If you don't think the numerous people that have died behind the wheel of a Tesla with FSD activated weren't guinea pigs heading for the slaughter, you have a severe lack of clarity and ethical understanding.
    Yeah, maybe Guinea pigs isn't the right term, I'd go with lemmings.
  • Everything went Apple's way at the annual shareholders meeting

    Pretty sure MassiveAttack87 is just an LLM. Yeah, not replying to all of... whatever that was.
  • Everything went Apple's way at the annual shareholders meeting

    Rick601 said:
    I second the thought on replacing Tim Cook.  The only new product is a niche Vision Pro that won’t move the needle. Billions wasted in search of an EV when all he had to do was partner with Tesla (you make the platform, Apple makes the design and infotainment center).  The stock has zero growth and its increased revs are due to rapid escalation of services subscriptions. Time for new leadership and new direction. 
    Idk how to tell you this, but you're wrong on every count. Cook has revolutionized Apple and increased its value by magnitudes since taking over from Steve Jobs. Multiple products and redesigned product strategies have been introduced under Cook, including Apple Watch and AirPods -- the most popular wearables on the planet.

    Research and development on Project Titan isn't "wasted." If anything it has given Apple a leg up in developing AI and ML. You can't drive a self driving car without software. And the talent on those projects can bring what they've learned to the greater AI effort.

    Services growth is great, but revenue increase is tied to hardware, primarily iPhone, as it always has been.

    If anything, Apple is in trouble if it can't replicate Cook's success after he retires. He's going to be a tough act to follow, tougher than Jobs.
  • Everything went Apple's way at the annual shareholders meeting

    Just ridiculous and "doomed" actions by AAPL. 
    It seems like you didn't read the proposals, Apple's responses to the proposals, and have no idea what Apple already does in terms of human rights, liberties, gender pay gaps, and other issues. Apple leads the way in most of these issues.

    Apple isn't going to reveal internal secrets about what it is working on. It would endanger the products and shareholders know that.

    I recommend reading up on these things. Apple publishes a lot of material that can tell you everything you need to know about how it conducts business.

    And yes, if anything, Apple is massively undervalued on Wall Street compared to its competitors. Look at its P/E. It's criminal.