Wesley Hilliard


Wesley Hilliard
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  • Apple's annual shareholder meeting tackling conservative fears, China, equality, & AI

    ilarynx said:

    Your article is a good one and I should have noted that up front. My quibble is with the (mis)use of the word “conservative” that I know others may not agree with. 

    I appreciate your measured and thoughtful response, Wesley, and appreciate you letting me air my perspective, even if we agree to disagree with each other. 

    Funny enough we don't disagree. I misunderstood your comment because the term "Orwellian cover" flew over my head. Your description makes total sense and I agree.

    However, we're reporting the news and the groups identify as conservative. It's not our place as a tech publication to break down the nuance of that particular situation. We have to focus on the story or it'll get lost in our attempt to pull out and explain every nuanced detail. We have to give some benefit of the doubt to the reader, like you, which should know what kind of groups we're dealing with in this article. It's why I call them out by name. 

    Those who know what those groups are don't need explanation. Those who want to know can search for their name and find out. It removes some of the opinion and bias from the story and allows it to focus on the facts.

    In this case, it is multiple groups of self-identified "conservative" groups pushing these agendas at Apple's meeting. Our headline has to be human readable and convey the important details. If it was "extremist groups hound Apple about China and censorship" then everyone would be talking about how AppleInsider just called these groups extremist and the original story would be lost.

    Conservative is broad, which is why it fits, even if there's nuance to what we're saying. In this case they are technically conservative groups, but only by claim and in the most broad and basic sense of the concept. The absolute edge of that term.

    We can disagree on the use here. That's no big deal.

    AppleInsider isn't interested in being a political news website beyond what is necessary to convey tech news.

    Glad we had this chat.
  • Apple's annual shareholder meeting tackling conservative fears, China, equality, & AI

    cashxx said:

    As said earlier "loaded and biased".
    I'm removing this comment. It's just incendiary babble. If you need to discuss this with me, feel free to email me directly. There's no reason to try and start a political argument.

    There is stuff in the upcoming shareholders meeting worth discussing. Don't make us take down the comment thread because everyone wants to go off the deep end with conspiracy theories. That goes for everyone.

  • Apple's annual shareholder meeting tackling conservative fears, China, equality, & AI

    ilarynx said:

    Stop spreading the “conservative“ lie.

    To say extremist would imply these are all outliers. They are not. These are the rhetoric of the party in the United States today. Be it about China, censorship, etc. Every one of these talking points are top of the list for conservatives. The AFA in this case may be an extremist group, but it is acting on the basis of today's conservative political spectrum. There was nothing extremist about their complaints surrounding China since it's been repeated by many in the Republican Party.

    If your argument is that this is all extremist and the people running the country as Republicans are in fact extremists and not true representations of conservative values, then sure, I agree. It's a weird world we live in. 

    I've never heard the word conservative described as "Orwellian cover." I understand it as a synonym for modern US "right-wing" "republican" etc. It's literally a group that values traditional ideals and pursues keeping things like "the good old days." It's the basis of the current Republican Party.

    You act as if it is a slur. The word is meant to be broad by definition. It captures the mindset of nearly half the country. Sadly that half is pretty radicalized these days, if I'm being frank. I will say that doesn't apply to *everyone* that's in right wing politics, but the radicalized conservative is the poster child of that side of the party lines. Being centrist kind of died around 2014 (and will return with a vengeance, as has always been the cycle in politics).

    I'm always happy to have level headed conversation about these matters. If you are not able to discuss these matters in a civil manner, I do suggest you take your comments to email or keep them to yourselves. This is just a friendly warning, no one has said anything mean or out of place yet, I just know how these discussions can go.
  • Apple designed its new Sports app to be fast and simple

    When I downloaded it it already had my two favorite teams preselected! How is that?
    The Apple News sports section or Apple TV favorite sports options sync with this app.

     neverindoubt said:
     Also, leaving out the NFL, CFB, NASCAR & Champions League (and others?) at launch is wacky.
    If a sport you follow is missing it's likely because it isn't in season. American Football will likely show up before the fall before pre season. NASCAR may or may not be added, that's a big question mark. But Tennis and other sports should eventually show up.

    I expect this app will gain access to a lot of content from other Apple Services like News. But for now it's a good start with this clean interface.
  • Apple Vision Pro Travel Case review: too-expensive precision cushioning

    I realize that I am using the Vision Pro case in a more aggressive manner than most owners will but it was available on day one, it worked well for my travel and met my expectations. From someone who has actually used it in the real world, I give it a four out of five thumbs up. 
    That's great! And if we were writing the review for you, we'd have given it 4 stars too. The rating system has to cast a wide net.

    The rating system doesn't even indicate product quality unless we specifically call it out in the review. It's mostly about how well we can recommend something based on price, competitiveness, and features. I even say it in the review that I *like* the bag. you're right, it's nice for storage and quick to open and get the device running.

    But I think its size makes it impractical. I'm glad it fit in your carry-on with what you needed, but there are cases that take up half the volume. If there weren't smaller cases available and this was literally the smallest you could get, our rating would increase because we're not going to ding it for not defeating the laws of physics.