Wesley Hilliard


Wesley Hilliard
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  • Apple's Self Repair Program vs. Genius Bar: What it costs to fix an iPhone 13

    The camera pricing in the Article includes wording that the author is speculating it would normally cost the “other damage” fee.
    Apple doesn't list the cost, nor does it have one available. I reached out to ask and they said there isn't a cost they can quote directly. I was clear in the article stating that since Apple doesn't define the cost, it falls into the "other" category. I didn't want to speculate in the text, but I assume this category is a catch all with an upper limit of $449.

    that means that Apple would likely do the repair for $120 or so, but I can't just throw in a number even Apple couldn't tell me. So I stated the disclaimer at the start "some repairs could be cheaper."

    Just in case you were wondering. Sorry if the text doesn't make that clear. Just not something we can just make up when there's no data available, so we used the data Apple provided on the website, with a big asterisk.
  • Apple expands feature that blurs iMessage nudity to UK, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia...

    entropys said:
    Opt in or out is not the same as a company creating the ability to do so. iMessage main thing, apart from the cool blue boxes,is its privacy.  This is helping to wreck it.
    Can you explain how? How does this affect privacy of any user in any way? Because it doesn't.
  • What to expect from the iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Max

    Japhey said:
    So, have the old rumors of the always-on displays been discarded? Or just forgotten?
    If an always on display happens, it will be in the iPhone 14 Pro. This is an article about the iPhone 14.
  • Almost nobody in the US used the Apple & Google COVID-19 apps

    “Oh. There’s a new disease. So we must track you. And we need to know your movements as well as those of your contacts.” RIIIIGHT… that’s going to end well… 
    Not how this system worked. It didn't identify anyone personally or provide location data to any system. It was designed with privacy in mind, so no one, not Apple, Google, or the government could get any data. It simply used on-device sensors to say if you were near a person then logged if that person ever tested positive for COVID-19.

    Really smart system, just no one adopted it, advertised it, or gave enough people trust for it. Honestly it would have been better for humanity if it worked by default and didn't need state-approved apps, but that's the bureaucratic democracy we live in.

    At least it seemed to do *some* good, if very little.  Maybe it will help with the next pandemic.
  • New #AppleToo movement drawing attention to racism, sexism, inequality inside Apple

    dewme said:
    I'm at a loss to figure out what these people want. 
    So your response is "you work for Apple, so what if you have a racist boss, at least you have such a coveted job. Get over it."

    Not a good look man, not gonna lie. If these allegations are true there are some dirty people in management and other controlling positions. Maybe not executive staff, but everything below VP is a mystery outside of Apple.

    Apple is a company like any other. If systemic issues are being ignored because of a corrupt culture, then speaking out is the only way to force change. There's a solid chance these complaints never made it past middle management. Tbh, todays coverage could be the first time Tim Cook is hearing these grievances.

    Not everything has to be conspiracy. These are real accusations and likely very real problems, so let's hope there's some resolution from Apple soon. Otherwise get ready to hear about this a whole lot more over the coming months.

    This is a whole lot more than 12 people. Apparently over 200 Apple employees have joined the Fudge Discord today. 