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  • Apple aggressively lobbies against Arizona bill that would allow third-party App Store pay...

    In response to your points, I've labelled your paragraphs and my responses with the same numbers. I find this approach to be clarifying.

    A) It's entirely possible that some jurisdiction like the EU will demand side loading, which will reduce or eliminate Apple's profits. But you've worded it wrong: they can't force Apple to do anything because they can't force Apple to do any business at all in their country. All they can do is "prohibit" Apple from not permitting side loading. And Apple could comply with that prohibition by not selling anything in the EU, or most likely they could comply by just not selling apps to any user in the EU. It's a valid response that Apple could take, but people always ignore this valid response because they want Apple to lose.

    1) Apple already blocks apps that promote tobacco, or contain porn, or many other things. Apple doesn't agree with those apps. I notice you aren't complaining about that. Why aren't you complaining? Do you or do you not agree with the fact that Apple can and does block apps that it doesn't agree with. Here's an interesting one: Apple blocks all apps that tell the time on watchOS. Do you think that's fair? Should the courts overturn that rule?

    2) Apple can simply block any developer in direct competition with them. As I stated in the previous paragraph, they already block any app that tells the time on watchOS, and nobody complains about that. Apple decided that they want the monopoly on time apps on watchOS. but they have graciously allowed nearly every other kind of app onto watchOS (excluding tobacco, porn, etc.) So if they can legally block, then they can certainly legally charge them a fee. But if for some reason they aren't allowed to charge a fee, they should just block them because they are in direct competition with them, just like watch apps on watchOS.

    3) Since you aren't explaining what accounting tricks you are concerned about, I will ignore you. But I'll bet you don't pay any more taxes than you have to, and your accountant probably uses smart accounting tricks to get your taxes reduced. Since when is being "smart" unfair? 

    4) You obviously hate big companies, for the sole reason that they are big and powerful. They got rid of big companies in 1918 in Russia, and that didn't work out very well for them. Or did it, from your perspective? Please answer that.
    Thank you, I will try to do the same, it’s very effective.

    A)  thank you for the enlightenment. I don’t know why you would think I want Apple to loose. Just saying that the writing is on the wall...

    1) I’m aware of that and I didn’t complain, i posed a question. I’m not sure we should give private companies such power. I agree that some degree of control should exist,  but I would rather have it done by law (as we did with traditional advertising). 

    2) again I think it’s a slippery slope, however you must concede that Apple created a great tool/market for developers as much as developers helped Apple creating this wonderful ecosystem.
    So Apple is not doing any favour by allowing anyone on the appstore it’s just good business practice.

    3) no I don’t pay more taxes than I should, but I also don’t make deals with certain states to have tax reductions, which, by the way is anticompetitive - again not a level playing field. To be honest I believe that Apple is not doing anything wrong, but  that our lawmakers are failing us.

    4) I don’t hate big companies. And much less Apple. You couldn’t be more wrong. Nevertheless I also don’t believe in the virtue of the free market ... markets should operate freely under some rules that guarantee the rights of individuals, fair competition... not even saying that Apple did anything wrong. I believe, because it was new and we didn’t, and probably still don’t, know how to handle/rule Big Tech we allowed it to grow without restrains. Maybe it’s time to think if we want to trust them all the power they have...
     Do you think they are always right, that everything they fo is right? Can we complain? Can we question them?

    hope that was enough to clarify my positions
  • Apple aggressively lobbies against Arizona bill that would allow third-party App Store pay...

    I think we may be missing Epic's and others point here: this is not a war on Apple and/or Google's business model, but on every platform. I believe that if they win this, they will go after Playstation, Xbox and Nintendo...

    From the look of it Apple is destined to loose the control of its App Store, will be forced to allow sideloading or other Stores on iOS. EU will push for that.

    Unfortunately every user pushing for this will regret it, since it will only take the power from Apple to, for example Epic, -  we won't pay less for apps.
    Also I think small developers will loose big time (or at least things will be the same). Epic is not going to let them sell on their store for free and small developers cannot afford to create their own store...

    Don't get me wrong I think Big Tech is out of control, but this is not going to address the real problems:
    1) Is it fair that Apple and others blocks apps based on contents they don't agree?
    2) Is it fair that Apple and Google charge a 15% or 30% fee to a developer in direct competition with them (Netflix, Spotify...)?
    3) Is it fair that Apple and others (including Starbucks) avoid paying taxes in Europe with smart accounting tricks?
    4) Do we trust a private company this much power?

    Dom't get me wrong I love everything Apple, I'm all in on Apple Music, AppleTV+, Apple Arcade, iCloud... But still...
  • Apple opens the door to game streaming services with new App Store guidelines

    That's a wasted update regarding game streaming.  This gets us no closer to streaming Game services than we were before the update.  Individual games being on the App Store is just individual games on the App Store.  Who in hell is downloading a 50GB to over 100GB game to an iOS device?  The whole point of streaming is to remove the hardware limitations and just get the game to the customer.  The good folks at Apple aren't stupid and they know this update for streaming apps is nothing more than theater.
    I think you might not have understood (or I didn’t): “  Apple was clear that what each App Store entry or bundle contains, be it native iOS game executables or streaming frameworks for services like Microsoft Xcloud or Google Stadia, is left to the developer.”

    I guess thia means you don’t have to have an app, just an entry on the app store.