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  • Apple best-placed to benefit as AI goes mainstream, says Morgan Stanley

    I must admit that I'm asking myself "What's the point?" when the world is on a path of self-destruction anyway. 
    You know...  I was just about to have a piece of pie.  You had to go and ruin it for me.
  • iMac 24-inch M3 review: A clear sign that Intel Mac support is ending soon

    brianjo said:
    Since they are committed to the stupid power brick, it would have made sense to add a couple USB or thunderbolt ports there as well, tidying up the desk workspace.

    Hell, even better would be to move all of the brains into the brick and calling it a Mac Mini, thus making the display just a display, allowing you to upgrade the machine by replacing the brick instead of the whole machine...
    The requirement of the power brick is another outstanding example of Apple's insistence on form over function...  and should have definitely been on the list of "Cons".  There is no justifiable excuse for the power brick and, for me, would reduce this from a 4/5 to a 3/5.
  • Apple expects strong Mac growth but wearable deceleration in the holiday quarter

    There have been many instance here on the forums where folks were quite vocal in their support of the limited amount of RAM offered in Apple Silicon.  Indicating with fast storage and memory swapping you don't need more RAM.  SoC RAM has value, but without external upgrade options it is a no-go for me.
  • Apple has most of the elements it needs to create its own search engine

    As long as they call it Sherlock and compensate Karelia, I am good with it!
  • Tim Cook confirms Apple is researching ChatGPT-style AI

    dewme said:
    The term “AI” is the current generation’s universally applicable adjective equivalent to the previous generation’s “digital.” The Digital Age spawned crazy notions like the Digital Economy, Digital Ecosystem, and my favorite, the Digital Divide. No, the Digital Divide is not the line of demarcation between the free flowing, non quantized, infinitely divisible notions of the Analog Universe and a much different universe defined by ones and zeros.

    The good news is that you don’t need tools like ChatGPT to transport yourself and your new work into the buzzwordy coolness of the new AI Age. All you need is the Search & Replace feature of your favorite human driven generative tools, aka word processing and presentation programs, and simply replace all occurrences of “Digital” with “AI.” 

    Welcome to the AI Economy, the AI Ecosystem, and my brand new favorite, the AI Divide. Just make sure you’re living on the right side of the new divide. You don’t want to be left behind.
    People are viewing "AI" today the same way people viewed "fuzzy-logic" a quarter century ago...  Gads!  Has it really been that long.  "Fuzzy-logic" was viewed by many "experts" in the industry as THE game changer for AI.  It was largely dead within 5-7 years.