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  • Compared: iPad mini 6 versus iPad mini 5

    Ordered a mini 5 this morning.  $379 for the 64GB was a deal!

    One thing I did find odd is the mini 6 display has a lower resolution in one dimension when compared to the mini 5 (1488 vs 1536 respectively).  I would have expected the mini 6 to either meet or exceed the mini 5 display in all ways.
  • Tim Cook wants to debut one more big product category before he retires

    I realize there are a good number of Cook fans here but I, for one, believe he cannot leave soon enough!
  • Apple employees express concern over new child safety tools

    Ofer said:
    Sadly, even with this new tool, Apple is still the best game in town as far as user privacy is concerned. I’m a big fan of the company and have been using their products since the very first computer I’ve owned (anyone remember the Apple IIgs?). However, if they continue in this trajectory, I may have to start researching other options.
    Yes, I remember the IIgs, still have one...  as well as my first Macintosh (a platinum Plus I purchased new back in '87).

    Sadly, due to this CSAM scanning, I will almost certainly be moving away from Apple.  I have already disabled the auto-upgrade on our dozen, or so, iOS based devices.  When iOS 15 comes out, that will be the end of updates for us.  Since we don't use iCloud and rarely text, this "feature" would have little impact on us.  However, the very notion that a company (any company) believes it has the right to place what amounts to spyware on devices I own is completely unacceptable!  If this means eventually going back to a "dumb" phone, then so be it.  Even if Apple were to state it will not include this "feature", I would probably not trust them enough to believe them...  perhaps they would just do it anyway without telling anybody.

    In fairness, I grew up consuming more than my fair share of dystopian novels and movies which might be influencing my position a bit.  :-)
  • M1 MacBook owners complain about easily cracked screens

    Apple needs to step up or this will result in yet another lawsuit...  potentially class action.

    I have worked on industrial designs where we had to take significant precautions to prevent cracking of a clear plastic lens.  While a notebook computer would not experience the same level of physical stress, incorporating clamped plastic in a design can be quite tricky.
  • Apple warns against AirTag replacement batteries with bitter coatings

    bonobob said:
    So if I lick the coating off, will that make them work?
    I think it would be best to treat the battery like a throat lozenge and give it 15 minutes or so.  If you choose to pursue the licking route, Mr. Owl recommends three licks.