
Just another faceless crustacean dog-toy. 


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  • Communications Workers of America jumping in on Apple Grand Central unionization efforts

    I’m curious if Apple treats it’s unionized entertainment and transportation partners the same way. Seems a bit of a disconnect. 
  • EU accuses Apple of breaking antitrust laws with Apple Pay [u]

    cropr said:
    sflocal said:
    avon b7 said:
    Apple Pay will remain my payment system regardless. I changed banks when first introduced because 'my' bank was slow to bring it on, as it considered how much it would cost it, rather than how much I would like it. I would change again if any bank forced me to use 'their' method. Earlier as many companies tried to get into the NFC payment systems, it was clear that what they really wanted is to track us and less so the small additional cost to Apple. No thanks... banks. Opening the NFC to others may be a security issue, I have read. I do not understand what it is with EU regulatory bodies on this and the App Store. The EU is ahead of the world on privacy regulations yet seem to target US companies for thin rationales that turn out to not have legal merit aka Irish tax ruling in 2020. If I was cynical, I would say this is about money from fines and trying to level the competition field for non innovative EU companies.
    There are plenty of innovative EU companies and plenty of unicorns too but what good is it to be innovative and want to offer a wallet solution if the platform where you could deploy it reserves the NFC hardware for itself and in doing so limits competition. 

    You say you are against being forced to use 'their' solution by a company yet that is exactly what Apple is on the hook for here.

    Irrelevant.  iPhone is a toaster.  A sealed end-to-end solution.  Developers and banks are not Apple's customers.  People that buy iPhones are Apple's customers, and most of us buy into Apple's ecosystem because Apple is the gatekeeper.  There is choice and competition already, but folks like you continuously tip-toe over it.  You want that kind of openness - as usual - BUY AN ANDROID PHONE!

    Only a vocal, loud, whining minority are raising a stink and they are not customers.  They are corporations, and sketchy developers that want to ride the coattails of Apple's work.  They know that there is no money to be made on Android, and iPhone users is where the money is at.  It's not about "competition".  NFC does not "require" that everyone have access to that technology on every product.  

    Get over yourself.
    You may assume that only the end users are the customers of Apple, but that is not how Apple sees it (looking at the efforts to sell iPhone/iPad/macs to the enterprise), not how the EU sees it and not how the app developers see it.

    The EU want a competitive playing field, so that app developers  can compete on merit and continue to innovate.  Apple is not the sole provider of innovation and of security.  The EU wants Apple to open access to the NFC chip.  This has nothing to do with security as Apple claims.  The NFC protocol is standardized. Apple allows connection to NFC for mass transit solutions but not for banking solutions; there is no logical reason for this but anti-competitive behavior.

    With the exception of games apps, there is little money to be made by app developers on IOS alone or on Android alone.    App developers cannot neglect a large portion of the potential customer base (iOS or Android).  I am an non game app developer and making an app available on both platforms costs me only 30% more than making it single platform, with about 80% more revenue. 
    Near as I can tell, the Express Transit card system is part of Apple Pay/Wallet. Mass transit apps do not directly access the NFC system. See here: and here for starters

    If you’re a dev, shouldn’t you know that?
  • Ikea introduces water-resistant Vappeby Bluetooth speaker lamp

    The battery is non-replaceable.
  • ElevationLab GoStand review: As small as a stand gets

    I own one. Picked it up while trying various cradle types for testing physical devices (there’s roughly 10-12 on my desk at any given time).

    Overall, I’d say the review is pretty spot-on. I’d add the following: touching the screen quickly (especially high up) on an iPhone or other tall phones can impart too much force and cause a lot of wobble or topple the device. You really have to spread the base as much as you can — it’s like any kind of trike, and is inherently unstable in certain ways.

    I haven’t tried this yet, but I think that one of the charging cables with a 90° bend (either to the back or side) might solve the charging issue.

    In general, I carry it with me as a light stand — it’s fantastic for regular calls on speaker, FaceTime calls, and to be able to see and use Music playlists, and generally prevents the “where did I set my phone down now” phenomenon. It’s also not bad for watching videos in landscape. I imagine it would be good for a paired game-controller.
  • Google really is evil, claims ex-employee lawsuit

    Nothing wrong with Google helping to secure our national borders and security. It’s a good business move and a good patriotic move. 

    I hate politics. But I hate misrepresentation of facts just as much. 

    What people fail to realize is:

    1. that Trump inherited the Obama/Biden program of separating children from families. Lumping it all on one admin is ignorant. 

    2. that policy is actually not evil. It helps protect children from people who are not their parents actively exploiting them. A cnn interview with border patrol on this issue was quite eye opening. 

    3. Illegal entering a country is a criminal act. When you go to jail, your family does not Join you. It would be horrible to put the children back on the other side of the border subject to weather, starvation, dehydration, and exploitation by adults. So they are housed, nourished, and protected until the wrongs can be righted. It’s a difficult thing. But far from “evil.”

    That said, these guys have a right to express a dissenting opinion and peacefully protest. 

    But if they were abusing their job responsibilities to do so, well, Google is not “evil” in firing them. They were “evil” in exploiting their employers Time and resources to accomplish their personal agenda. 

    Sounds like an entitled/frivolous lawsuit if there was one. They can disagree with their employer. But they still have to fulfill their job description. Snd when you violate that, there are consequences. Hopefully they learn from this. 
    Cool story bro. Super imaginative.