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  • Apple making display repairs harder on iPhone 13 Pro is a step too far

    macxpress said:
    IreneW said:
    Is this an opinion piece? Because it makes zero sense. What this article advocates is for Apple to put it’s customers at risk somthat some bottom feeder random repair shop can service Apple products their way.  ߙ䰟鄰 
    What "risk" are you talking about? I have had a lot of third-party repairs to my iPhones all these years, should i be worried?
    Maybe you're not worried but Apple certainly is. Apple holds their products to a high standard, even to a 2nd or 3rd hand owner. So if their phone was repaired by Bob's repair and they did a shitty job because they don't know wtf they're doing and it goes to a 1st time iPhone buyer with issues, none of which are Apple's doing that harms Apple's image. The 2nd or 3rd owner of the phone may have no clue what so ever the phone was repaired by a 3rd party. It can also make the phone insecure after the repair. Who knows what a 3rd party did to that phone, where they get their parts from, etc. They can inadvertently install a malicious piece of hardware.

    So in my eyes the "risk" is someone owning the iPhone that is now possibly insecure and possibly with inferior 3rd party hardware installed. 

    Lets not forget that Apple designs the phone to have the owners personal information on it from their credit cards, health information, drivers license, COVID-19 vaccination status cards, insurance cards, etc, etc. If this gets breached because of a non-Apple part installed, who gets the blame? Apple does. It doesn't matter if the owner allowed it to happen. Apple is the one who catches the crap in the end with news articles, lawsuits, etc. This results in negative perception that iPhones are not secure which can make owners (or potential owners) not use the phone to its fullest capabilities. 

    Apple could fix this by giving 3rd party repair shops an opportunity to be an Apple Authorized Repair Center so they can get proper training and get genuine parts only from Apple directly.  

    Well that would be true if it was Apple's phone. But it isn't Apple's phone anymore. It is my phone now, and for any consumer that also bought one, it is their phone, since I bought and paid for it!
    Now a little history. I have been repairing consumer electronics since the late 1980s early 1990s. Everything from VCRs, AM/FM stereos, pagers, to CRT and RP TVs. And my last five years in the Army, I was doing SATCOM where I also had to repair equipment that in some cases could cost several hundred thousand dollars upto a million plus. And yes, in a few cases, we had to order non OEM parts. Today I have repaired quite a few smart phones, computers, note pads, servers, and even modems/routers. Now as for Apple mating the screens to the phones to discourage so called "unauthorized" repair and the use of non-OEM parts, is an attempt for them to eliminate competition. They do this because they want you and me to not repair our phones but to buy the new latest and greatest phones they put out. They build in obsolescence hence why they only offer a 1 year warranty and stop supporting phones older then 7 years. And I will not apologize for believing that when a consumer spends $1000 plus on a new phone, or anything for that matter, it should last longer than 7 fsck'in years! I remember back in the day when companies actually made their products to last. Their are farmers now who got fed up with John Deere and went back to using their older combines or tractors because one, they the farmer, could actually work on them without having to "hack" anything, and two, because they still operate and get the job done. So what if they do not have the AC and or CD player? Those items will not plow fields or help harvest the crops.
    Apple has already admitted that they lose money on people repairing their phones, iPads, and Mac books because then those people will not be buying the newer devices. And that is also why the "authorized" Apple repair shops charge so much to replace a battery or screen. To help push the consumer to buying the newest device. I can replace screens and batteries way cheaper and I'm local.
    Again as for the security issues, Apple did not have to do that. They are just being greedy little motards. The only reason they did that was an attempt to stop consumers from repairing their phones. But like most things, those mating codes can be and most likely will be hacked and then be applied to non-OEM screens. Video pirates have been doing similar hacking with DirecTV and Dish systems for several years now.
    I was forced to upgrade phones when Apple would no longer support the iPhone 5C that I had and that was still capable of making calls and texting and even connecting online. Well that was until Apple made it where it would not work 100%. But since that 5C is MY phone, I have savage the cameras, speakers, mic, sensors, vibrator, Siri, and anything else I thought I can use and use them for my own projects. If Apple didn't want me to have these things, then they should not have had me pay full price for the phone. But since I did pay full price for it, it became MY PROPERTY. My property to do with as I see fit.
    One other thing, my laptop I currently use originally came with Microsoft OS. I deleted that and installed a Linux based OS. All the software I have on my machine is free and open source. I read somewhere that by me doing that to MY laptop was wrong. But again, I paid full price for it, so it is mine to do with and make it my own as I see fit. And really, this is no different from when we use to remove OEM parts from cars / trucks and replace them with high performance parts.Except now, it is all digital, smaller scale, and for me anyway, much easier to understand. I'm an old school geek and nerd.
    Y'all be safe, have fun, and as always, be yourself.

    avon b7williamlondon