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  • Apple's Mac Studio launches with new M1 Ultra chip in a compact package

    JinTech said:
    Looks like Apple just ate Alder Lake for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They even hinted at a revised Mac Pro. I cannot even imagine. 
    Ah ... no. With a dual CPU architecture and $4000 entry level price, this is competing with the 26 core Xeon chips, not the 12th gen Core i9. 
  • Apple's iPhone dominated U.S. smartphone market in 2021

    jas99 said:
    Time to sell all AAPL shares. Apple is doomed. It can’t POSSIBLY grow any more. It’s about to go out of business. 

    That’s what your financial advisor will tell you. 

    I hope everyone is smarter than that. 
    Bitter, resentful comments like this have been on this board for years. But has anyone actually produced a quote from a reputable analyst or mainstream news source that has said anything like this in over 10 years?

    Please, do not cite people claiming "a specific Apple product is likely to struggle" (which happened with the iPhone 12 Mini, HomePod and Apple TV) or "Apple wll face competition" (as they do because no single product - not even the Apple Watch - enjoys 50% market share and most have less than 1/3 share) as "Apple is doomed." 

    Apple has had around 50% domestic market share and 15% global market share for the iPhone since around 2012. It isn't 2005 anymore where Apple had 3% PC market share with the bulk of their revenue coming from iPods and iTunes (on Windows!) downloads. At some point this victimization act that Apple fans put on has to end. 
  • Apple takes majority share of U.S. headphone market, study finds

    Appleish said:
    Looking forward to them using this success to kill ancient, weak, unreliable Bluetooth.
    Ummm ... AirPods use bluetooth. You were under the impression otherwise? Also, despite Beats having the official position as "for everything else" Apple does very much want to sell AirPods to the 1.5 billion Windows users and 3 billion Android users, and bluetooth is the only way to do this. AirPods aren't ecosystem exclusionary devices like HomePods, which is precisely why the former is #1 in its category and the latter is in the bottom of its category (unless you want to count Samsung's Bixby speakers that were only sold in South Korea and never updated past the first generation). 

    Not sure that the alternative is. Wi-Fi speakers are good for home audio but not practical for anything else. (Plus an office full of people using Wi-Fi for their PCs, smartphones AND headphones would stink.) NFC speakers are great - there was an attempt to make them a thing shortly after NFC support was added to Android in 2012 - but the range is too short and they can't be used with anything else (PCs, TVs, smartwatches, consoles etc.) The same would be true of UWB even if the range was better. 

    A consortium of the leading manufacturers and platform owners - Apple, Microsoft, Google, Samsung, Sony, LG, Alcatel, Xiaomi, BBK, Lenovo, Dell, HP etc. - would need to come together, agree on a "let's get rid of Bluetooth" standard and agree to implement that standard in all their products. Even then, those products would need to support Bluetooth to be backwards-compatible with the like 10 billion devices where it is the only option. AND the new products going forward would need the new option to be SIMPLER and easier to find/configure in the settings than Bluetooth because otherwise that is what everyone is going to use. That was a problem with the NFC speakers that I bought ... pairing them to my Samsung over NFC was harder than pairing them over Bluetooth, so I eventually just used Bluetooth. Getting everyone to go from 3G to 4G - then from 4G to 5G - would be simple by comparison.
  • Microsoft's new app store pledge preserves its walled garden on Xbox

    So don’t sell at a loss, and produce enough of them? (Instead of artificial shortages that are obvious ploys to boost desirability.)

    The “robust and viable ecosystem for game developers" argument is such horseshit if you look at where indie developers are actually making money (or rather not making money…) Does anyone buy the idea that MS is soooooo into gaming that it loses billions of $$ on a passion project? (Or that that would be legal, given it’s duty to shareholders.) 

    I’d argue that MS and others like it intentionally create the economic circumstances that make working for AAA studios the only sad “viable” option for most developers. The only people that are benefiting here are investors.  
    If consoles weren't sold at a loss, they would cost 50% more and far fewer people would buy them. You folks don't understand: not very many people buy consoles. About 50 million XBox One consoles were sold over 7 years. That is probably about the number of Google Pixel phones that sold in that timeframe. And no, these shortages aren't artificial. First off, these shortages did not exist with the PS4, XBox One, PS3, XBox 360 etc. These shortages are due to TSMC being the only foundry capable of making an integrated SOC for these devices that don't overheat. This is the same TSMC that also can't fill all of Apple's orders, forcing Apple to prioritize iPhones over iPads, remember?
    AMD's Zen 4 chips were supposed to launch in November 2021. At this rate AMD will consider themselves lucky if they launch in October 2022, and they have even had to shift some orders to Samsung, just as Intel - who will use TSMC's fabs for some orders in 2023 - considered doing and Nvidia did last year for Ampere GPUs.

    The console business model is totally different from the mobile device one. Samsung alone sells more smartphones in 1 year than the entire console industry - Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft and the minor players - sells in an entire generation. Yes, the Nintendo Switch sells at a profit. But do you know why? The Nintendo Switch is actually the Nvidia Shield K1 Android tablet from 2015 running the Nintendo 3DS operating system (based on FreeBSD) along with some Android components and Nvidia software. The Nvidia Shield K1 tablet was $200 when it originally launched! 

    I can see you bashing Microsoft - decades of hate I guess - but you realize that by doing this you are also trashing Sony, whose console costs the same, whose shortages are even worse, and who has nothing to do with these app store battles with Epic Games and regulators. The PlayStation is their last big money hardware product left. The iPod and iPhone killed off the Walkman, boom boxes and the other consumer audio products that were massive for them in the 80s and 90s. Streaming - and streaming boxes - killed off their VHS, DVD and Blu-ray line. They so badly botched their attempts to make Android devices that they don't even bother to distribute more than a few units outside Japan (iPhone 70% market share) anymore. Their TV line is being battered by South Korean and Chinese competition. They are also only "one among many" when it comes to selling headphones (where they get crushed by AirPods) and speakers (getting devalued by smart products from Amazon, Sonos, Google and Apple). And they ditched their PC line ages ago because they could no longer compete with HP, Dell, Lenovo and Apple (Toshiba made the same decision). 

    If you have some business plan or strategy where Sony could make $200 per unit on the PS5 and still sell enough to make money selling $70 copies of the Spider-Man game go ahead and share it. My guess is that you don't, and you don't care what happens to Sony or the console market so long as Apple gets to keep doing whatever Apple wants. You are probably ROOTING for the console makers to fail so Apple could take their place. Just as pretty much everyone on this site was rooting for Nintento to fail 5 years ago so Apple could buy them and make Mario, Link, Pokemon etc. exclusives on Apple TV (so that people would actually start buying them), iPads and iPhones.
    You say that the console business is different from the mobile business.

    So.. Why do we have to listen to Microsoft then??? Microsoft clearly tried to launch smartphones with their own Window OS, which failed. Their fault. Not Apple´s fault. 

    Microsoft is giving a lot of BS this time because Microsoft is jealous that AAPL and GOOGL are so successful with their smartphones and smoothly running OS, which Microsoft wished to have. 

    Not only did MS wait too long, missing the boat on mobile, they failed even with Apples example in front of them, just like with Zune. 

    And so they decided to BUY NOKIA. And they KILLED NOKIA. It basically died. So sad. 

    And that’s what they are doing now. They try, they struggle, so they buy. And we know what happens next. 

    Xbox is their saving Grace. But they pump a ton of money into Xbox. And the 70 BILLION acquisition is a very desperate move. There are a lot of nervous folks at Microsoft over that one. It HAS TO succeed. If not, there will be big trouble. 

    Microsoft still has no real mobile platform no matter how much they try. 

    And that’s why you hear the thick, bitter jealousy wafting out from Redmond now. 
    Microsoft is the #2 company on the planet in valuation (that isn't a state-owned petroleum concern), is raking in record profits and they are desperate? Nervous? Struggling? Please, read a tech magazine for once. You have no idea what you are talking about. 
  • Microsoft's new app store pledge preserves its walled garden on Xbox

    You say that the console business is different from the mobile business.

    So.. Why do we have to listen to Microsoft then??? Microsoft clearly tried to launch smartphones with their own Window OS, which failed. Their fault. Not Apple´s fault. 

    Microsoft is giving a lot of BS this time because Microsoft is jealous that AAPL and GOOGL are so successful with their smartphones and smoothly running OS, which Microsoft wished to have. 

    You don't have to listen to Microsoft. Why did Apple Insider choose to post this article? Ask the editors. Microsoft has long written off not having a mobile ecosystem. They doubled down on cloud, surpassed Google in market valuation and haven't looked back. They are #2 to Apple and the gap between them and #3 and #4 - Google and Amazon - are huge. Microsoft only joined the Epic Games lawsuit because Epic asked them too. Otherwise, they have little interest in or anything to do with Apple. Google - thanks to search, ads, cloud, Chrome and ChromeOS - is a bigger threat to Microsoft than Apple is, which is why Google pulled their Android Office 365 apps off ChromeOS but hasn't done the same for the iPadOS apps. And which is why Microsoft used Chromium to build a competing browser to Chrome - Edge - and not whatever Safari uses to build a competing one to Safari. Microsoft hasn't tried to compete with Apple TV+, Apple Music or anything really that Apple does, but they did turn Office into a Google Suite competitor, positioned OneDrive as a Google Drive competitor, has released the Surface SE to compete with Chromebooks in education, you name it. 

    Microsoft launched their missive to get regulators to approve their purchase of Activision Blizzard. Regulators are concerned that the studios that Microsoft has bought, XBox and their huge presence in PC gaming and xCloud could allow them to dominate the market. This is Microsoft getting out ahead of the regulators by addressing their most logical line of excuses to prevent the merger in advance. Had Nvidia done the same, they might actually own ARM Holdings by now. If you wait until the regulators voice their objections and THEN try to answer them you have already lost because the regulators have already made up their minds at that point. In the time that it would take the regulators to come up with a new line of attack - if they even want to - Microsoft will have likely closed the deal. 

    Microsoft only mentioned that consoles have a different business model than everything else in order to justify not opening it up at this time. Still has nothing to do with Apple because unless the Apple TV explodes in market share, like increases it 20 fold, Apple is not in the console market. They are in the general computing market selling devices - macOS, iPadOS, iOS - that have the ability to play games. Like the iPod Touch ... primarily a music player but its ability to play games is a byproduct. 