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  • Senate bills will do real harm to consumer privacy & security, Apple argues

    What if big and publicly traded companies ripped off tactics the federal government has been using and placing that abuse of power where it rightfully belongs: on the ones who have been exercising an abuse of their office and there are some who are doing nothing more than advising today’s lawmakers.

    The ball rolls one way, right?

    “The fact that, as an enterprise, we conform to the laws and are criminalized by those that purchase our products is not the problem nor the issue. No, the problem and or problems is and are those that simply do not belong in the offices they are representing feel they just have no way to take their voice to the people that really can implement change and we at Apple are not proud nor are we ashamed to offer that ability and capability but if it means that as a healthy society we must all agree on who the criminal really is and no one wants to answer for but for a few who can’t even get their stories straight then we are doomed to fail with literally no effort whatsoever on the government’s own accord due to people in various offices that think he and she are above the law which President Trump clearly stated that no one is above the law so how about striving to create fairness for all because as a chief executive officer the duty is to provide great products and the responsibility to do so is to accept feedback no matter the fashion of the delivery or choice of words. Unless that became a crime somewhere which brings up a privacy law and some acts of Congress even law enforcement gets their panties in a bunch about which is beyond childish and downright un-American when one considers the first amendment to The United States Constitution and just how thuggish it really is to be policing freedom of the press is now very awfully pervasive.”

    What kind of law enforcement agency polices freedom of the press? I say let this fight some of those that see “big tech is the problem” when all one has to do is sink or swim in the chosen industry your business is founded and don’t sell your intellectual property. If it belongs to him or her and this person or that person is found to be in compliance with its licensed use, what the problem becomes is What thereafter?