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  • Meta, Adobe, Microsoft join metaverse standards body -- but Apple does not

    Building a standards body that tries to do design by comitee usually is a bad idea. Apple never hat much luck with that since there are usually members whose only interest is to block quick successes in favor of their own proprietary standards (as happened with OpenGL that was blocked and talked down by Microsoft in order to push DirectX). Why join?
  • Tim Cook says 'stay tuned' to see how Apple will evolve AR with humanity

    Following his predecessor (the other guy managing SJ products well, while being unable to reproduce that level of creativity John Sculley), is this Tim Cooks Newton then?
  • There's a hack to add CarPlay support to a Tesla

    Pretty much reason No. 1 why Tesla never make it to the final contenders list, when looking for a new car. Wireless AppleCarplay is a MUST.
  • Apple pulls the plug on macOS Server

    I guess there is no "Server" for the rest of us.
    When they stripped out features- my small business which depended on it's features was thrown into a mess of problems-
    much like when our last Airport Extreme bit the dust.
    Gone was our easy internal messenger-
    gone was our internal wiki and dns setups.
    Our file sharing permissions started going wonky.
    Our centralized Time machine died-
    and - all of a sudden first we have to try the VPP system of software licenses- then the even more complicated Apple business manager- which wasn't set up for business at all- but for schools.
    The whole concept of Apple ID- for a shop with multiple computers- owned by a company- and assigned to employees- got super complicated-
    and it was super frustrating.
    Now- we have a raspberry pi running our DNS and our Wiki
    we're constantly having our apple messages go to personal phones instead of computers-
    time machine- may or may not work with the remote drives- and stops frequently.
    File sharing permissions get garbled more and more-
    And in a day when collaboration is all the rage-
    we're using fontbase to manage fonts-
    and a bunch of other programs that are halfassed collaboration tools- that should be where Apple is scoring big time.
    I wonder if anyone at Apple remembers when Apple was a small business?
    Because they sure don't act like they care about mine.
    Bring back Apple server. Please. Please. With all of it's ease of use capabilities.
    Let's face it. Apple is the iPhone company nowadays. The Mac is just a small sidebusiness. No matter where you look the focus is not on the Mac. It's more of an afterthought that gets the droppings from the i-Devices (CPU, UI paradigma etc). And once leading SW like FinalCut, Safari etc. is just not pushed forward.
    marc gdocno42
  • Apple fixed Studio Display update issue by resigning special iOS 15.4

    Time to fire the quality manager of that device. This is embarrassing, two major flaws, that look like the result of very poor quality control.