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  • Postscript is gone, long live TrueType and OpenType

    This article prompted me to pull out my original receipt from L.A. Computer Center, August 1991:

    • Apple Mac IIci with 5MB RAM and 210MB hard drive, $4,095

    • Keytronic keyboard, $139

    • Apple Laserwriter NT (grayscale), $1,799

    • Microtek MSF 600ZS color scanner, $1,469

    • Ikegami CN-20 color monitor, $1,990

    • ImageWriter II cable, installation, and diagnostics, $78

    • Sales tax, $737.03

    TOTAL $10,307.03

    Those were 1991 dollars, folks. I remember my software (Illustrator, Photoshop, Pagemaker) ran about $1,100. Plus fonts.

    So to those whining about the cost of computing these days, SHUT. UP.
  • Apple insists 8GB unified memory equals 16GB regular RAM

    cpsro said:
    This doesn't explain why an additional 8GB costs $200.
    Which part of supply & demand the free market are you struggling with? You have choices, right?
    If I can go elsewhere and install more RAM and swap out the SSD, then I agree with you. But I can't, so I don't.
  • California wants to end Cupertino's tax deal with Apple

    davidw said:
    … as local government makes tax rebate deals all the time, to attract businesses to open a store or have their HQ located in the city. The benefit of having more businesses operating in the city out  weights any tax rebate. The State government should have no or little say on how local cities spend the local sales tax they collect. 
    You hit the nail on the head. State and local governments give special tax consideration in order to lure corporations because their presence ultimately is a boon for state and local economies. Not to mention the huge economic benefit of job creation, and the fact that employees will relocate to work for the corporation and then will contribute to the economy by spending and paying taxes. Let's not make this into something it's not.

    Oh, and don't forget this is California we're talking about. The Golden State is desperate for tax dollars and doing everything in its power to strong-arm its current and even former residents.
  • Washington D.C. rolling out Apple AirTag program to help curb car theft

    sflocal said:
    Locating a stolen vehicle via AirTags is only part of the solution.  Actually arresting, convicting, and getting the thief locked-away is what needs to happen and to send a message to future would-be thieves.
    I love the concept!! However, that would mean treating the cause, not the symptom. That's not how we do it in America.
    Bart Ywatto_cobrawilliamlondon
  • Retail store staff accuse Apple UK of illegal union busting efforts

    Unions are lying to employees and promising things they can't deliver? You don't say!!!

    Unions don't give a rat's a$$ about the worker. In the end, it's all about the endless cash flow of dues. And guess where the money ends up.

    Once the union gets in, it will extort the employer with the threat of a walkout which ironically will be illegal to prevent (made worse by the illegality of replacing striking employees with new ones who recognize a pretty sweet deal when they see it). So the union has the employees and employer over the proverbial barrel.

    Gad, I would hate to be an employer.