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  • Apple is shutting down the really old 'My Photo Stream' on July 26

    command_f said:
    I also like Photo Stream, I've been using it since Apple introduced it. I take a lot of 'disposable' pictures on my iPhone so am happy to just extract those that are keepers. My main photo library lives on my Mac so I don't have any issues with resolution (the article is a little misleading on this, Photo Stream on Mac contains full res photos - see this page).

    iCloud Photo Library is no alternative to Photo Stream, it's a different beast. Photo Stream automatically discards the photos you don't choose to keep*, doesn't use your iCloud storage allowance and is free. My photo library is curated, includes photos from my 'proper' camera and lives on external HDs with no subscription fee.

    A certain Steve Jobs was also a Photo Stream fan. He described it during the introduction of iCloud as "maybe my favourite [feature]". This video at about 1:36:02.

    *I'm not a good enough photographer to want to keep anything like all my pictures, even those from my ILC let alone my iPhone. I suspect many others are in the same category.
    I have used My Photo Stream as far back as I can remember. I started with the iPhone 4, so that was many years ago.  I also backup and store all my photos I want to keep on my external HDs.  I have no use for iCloud Photos.  Since Apple is dropping My Photo Stream, sure would be nice if they upgraded iCould to allow configurations to "act"  like Photo Stream.  (upload only last 30 days).  Or down load only last 30 days.  

    My favorite use was to take pictures on my phone, and then be able to, pretty much right away, view them on my Mac mini or my iPad.  Now I will have to either pay $36.00 to $120.00 a year, or regularly purge my phone of older pictures to maintain under the 50G space, which will still cost $12.00 a year.  Overall very bummed with Apple's decision to drop Photo Stream.  