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  • Apple cracks down on apps identifying users through device fingerprinting

    auxio said:
    I'm a developer too, and I understand the frustration. But turn your ire on those who feel the need to use their technical ability for scams rather than creating technology which is actually useful to people (and thus worth more than just advertising revenue).

    It's really a sad day when the predominant business model for app developers is: create a free app which will capture people's attention and then milk them for all the data they're worth while using it. And of course, being scammers who don't understand the meaning of the word "ethics" and feel it's their right to do whatever they please to others for profit, as soon as Apple tries to limit what data they can get, they start doing "clever" things like this (using uptime, free space, etc. to create a unique fingerprint).

    For myself, I'll be happy to explain to Apple why I use certain APIs if it means less scammers and more genuinely useful apps in the world. Good riddance to a business model which is moving humanity backwards, not forwards.

    I agree.  Hands down. But when it comes to HTML - Apple cannot control the API, especially with Firefox.  That would trying to be controlling the internet on any Macintosh OS.  They've done it on the iOS and people go Android. It's a slippery slope.  If you pissed someone off that much that they want to hack you, you must have done something and that has nothing to do with technology. One should concentrate on the 99.9 percent not the 0.1 percent.  Yes, Apple should control the API on their Operating System, but HTML...They can't even if they wanted to, they would have to start a new internet.  Apple knows that all microprocessors will be the same in a few years.  And their pretty privilege will also disappear.  The new headset will be the game changer, they will have control. 
  • Apple cracks down on apps identifying users through device fingerprinting

    bwilllius said:
    The linked documentation describes super awful API calls to creation date and modification date of a file. Also getting free space is now a sin. All calls are harmless.

    The MacOS kernal is a Sandbox.  Getting access to free space is going Blockchain style.  I would just like to add - if a kernal is a Sandbox you are 100 percent correct, the API calls are harmless. Why is Apple not giving you access to memory is mindboggling. Through JavaScript you can do a lot, and Apple admits it for URL. I think the management at Apple are spacing out!!  It's out reaching.  Good on you b.
  • Epic asks U.S. Supreme Court to enforce lower court's App Store order

    chasm said:
    Funny thing is if Apple loses it only helps other developers but not Epic since they’re banned from
    The App Store.
    That’s correct. Under no scenario would Apple have to allow Epic back in.

    Moreover, numerous courts all over the world have ruled that Apple is 100 percent entitled to charge a fee for creating, running, and administering the App Store, and that such a fee would be applicable **even if** Apple itself or some other authority made them accept payments from alternative providers.

    Mind you, as noted previously, 85 percent of developers don’t pay any fee at all, and small developers who do less that $1million/year don’t pay 30 percent, so there’s little chance at this stage that any court is going to find the fees excessive.

    EXACTLY.  Why did Apple start a fight with Epic.  Epic created a video game that people liked. Someone or people at Apple need re-evaluation.  Epic was paying the fees.  They didn't skip on the bill and steal a gettaway car. And get into a car chase.
  • Even the upcoming macOS Sonoma update isn't safe from this malware

     Open Terminal cut and paste - if it runs nothing, nothing is there - no worries.  They all hide in that place, if you want bullet proof initialize the drive with Disk Utility  (meaning erase everything) not fun. Paste in Terminal  this is for the test.
    /Applications/DetectX\\ Swift search -a

    Now you can replace with any application.  Just use that command.  It can read
    /Applications/DetectX\\ Messages search -a
  • Base iPhone 15 models will get 48 megapixel cameras, says Kuo

    eriamjh said:
    Mega is M, milli is m.

    Yeah, I know what you meant, but standards are standards,

    Hahahaha!! That's a funny one, standards are standards, no room for argument in that one!