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  • How the Apple-Goldman Sachs relationship became an unhappy marriage

    mayfly said:
    In the world of finance, Goldman Sachs,
    A firm so renowned for its stacks,
    With each profitable deal,
    They continue to reel,
    My heart weeps for their meager tax hacks.

    When a plane flies, 
    it may crash and die,
    When the profiteers at Goldman Sachs fold,
    Apple will stand strong and be bold, and gold,
    When Apple uses a weak Bank,
    The Bank will be hit with the force of a Tank.

    Apple can Manhandle those people in a second.
  • Musk warns Twitter rebrand to X will happen soon

    mayfly said:
    I asked ChatGPT to write me a limerick about Musk's new "everything app" rhyming with crap.

    Here's what it came up with (in less than a second):
    In the world of tech, a great zap,
    Is the new "everything app" on the map
    But it glitched and went snap
    Now it's causing a mishap
    Leaving users to call it pure crap!

    No kidding, that is a direct copy and paste!

    Here's the haiku version:
    Tech's "everything app,"
    Glitches bring a sudden snap
    Crap, the users clap.

    Now for the riddle:
    I'm the tech marvel they sought to create,
    An "everything app," a wonder, first-rate,
    But glitches appeared, sealing my fate,
    Now users find me frustratingly innate,
    In disappointment, they often berate,
    Guess what am I?
    It's your turn to speculate!

    Rather have a Japanese female cell mate. I was at the Edmonton Remand Centre for 18 months too long. ERC for life 2211 631. 
    Little access to any news, 
    but enough to make you amused.

    -Limericks aside, staring at five walls because the jail was a pentagon but clean, we kept it clean. Makes you something else.  23 hour lock downs, makes you throw down.  Jail in Canada is Two Years minus one day.  Prison which is Federal and easy is Two years plus one day.  Every one was on the same page: Get Released or Go Federal.  You won't read this anywhere, I totally changed the subject.
  • AI companies pledge to safety commitments at White House, but Apple's absence raises eyebr...

    michelb76 said:
    BiCC said:
    Maybe because Apple is currently a consumer rather than purveyor of AI? Only rumors say otherwise; no announced product. 

    Incorrect. AI, or more correctly, machine learning, is woven through many, many Apple products. Even typing auto-correction is based on machine learning models. Apple has worked on versions, or subsets, of AI for decades. Just because ChatGPT came along and stole the headlines doesn't mean that AI is something new on the scene. They just took a much more open and broad approach that shows more of the capabilities of the technology.

    Apple did not show up.  Put your philosophy hard hat on and ask - Why 

    Because this is mostly for show? All players with a generative AI dying for others to get regulated so they can catch up or capture more market themselves? Plenty of other players were not present either. The one present have a vested interest to be there to make sure they are not being negatively affected because they were absent. For Apple it's totally irrelevant which one 'wins'.

    I agree.  Apple knows they will win.  Why waste time.  Apple NOT showing up tells you how much they care about non-sense.  Apple invents the narrative, they don't show up to meetings, they Guest. If the prettiest broad don't like you, She don't show up. The pretty ones ask you out.  And put those Airtags to follow you.  Deep waters.
  • AI companies pledge to safety commitments at White House, but Apple's absence raises eyebr...

    aankopen said:
    BiCC said:
      I'm not political - 
    Not political? In the same sentence you write: “ Slow Joe would need a stretcher. ”. You’re as political (and wrong!) as could be  :D

    Wrong is a moral word.  Incorrect is the Objective word. Slow Joe does need a stretcher.  Is Slow Joe even allowed to drive.  I'm not political but President Trump was Beside CEO Cook at an Apple assembly plant.  I'm not bringing politics into this game.  I've never voted with the exception of - who is hot.  Which is subjective.  All i know about politics is that Slow Joe's son likes to hit the rocks.  Which is really funny.  Pass the pint (meth) in the bat (pipe)!! 
  • Spotify raising premium plan prices in US to try to stay profitable

    chasm said:
    red oak said:
    Spotify has never posted an annual profit in it’s 15 year history 

    In 2022, it lost $470 million 

    Just the facts 
    Meanwhile, Apple Music doesn’t break out its figures, but given the overall incredible growth and profitability of Apple’s Services division, I’m guessing its not that kind of a money-loser. Indeed, it’s incredibly unlikely to be losing any money at all at this point, despite paying more to artists than Spotify does.

    Possibly that’s because the team running it are not becoming billionaires off the back of a single product — but that’s just speculation on my part.

    I like your speculation.  But here is the deal.  Everyone I know owns the CD or goes to Youtube or we simply listen to FM Radio.  Especially house parties it's all Youtube and that guy that plays DJ - Heavy Metal and the girls start to get pissed so we have to forcefully take away the remote and everyone laughs.  I love Megadeath but the girls start to get pissed, and it goes straight to gangster rap.  I can't make this up.  Hey everyone have you noticed for the longest time we go from Metal to Gangster Rap.  Thats why we keep on coming Dummy.