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  • Drivers love CarPlay as car infotainment systems get worse overall

    The real Achilles heal of CarPlay is probably not Apple's fault, but not being able to control your in car Sirius XM satellite service is a real PITA. I don't want to have to rely on the Sirius app with cellular service - use my antennae and satellite subscription!
  • 13-inch iPad Pro review: hardware of the future running software of the past

    This is an interesting and very thorough review, BUT it ignores the biggest elephant in the room, lack of a true file manager. You cannot insist that users rely solely on a cloud service to get hierarchical file management when we don't have ubiquitous true high speed internet. Sandboxing file types by application leads to headaches for any business user who has a customer or client with projects that include word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, pdf's, etc. for the project. Those need to be organized by PROJECT and all resources in that container. Tags are not the answer to categorizing business project components. It needs Finder and it needed it yesterday.

    This could be the most versatile computer any company has ever produced - Cook could proclaim they solved the toaster-refrigerator conundrum. I'm not going to ask for MacOS on the iPad because I'll get run out of this thread on a rail - but needs to be close and needs to run Mac OS class applications, not just watered down apps...
  • Apple's iPad is still showing the world how to do tablets, 14 years later

    thedba said:
    ...The “It’s a toy, I want to do real work” crowd is nothing more than a minority in an echo chamber. The iPad has achieved its stated objective, Steve’s original vision of, “computing for the rest of us”.
    If it is an echo chamber, it is pretty crowded in here. The top end iPad Pro, with Magic Keyboard and Apple Pencil, pushes the $2000 envelope - why is it too much to ask that it be a tablet AND a laptop? Why do you feel so threatened if we get the ultimate MacBook Air we want? If you don't want to spoil the pure IPaddyness (David Pogue's term, not mine) then just don't enable MacOS mode. Simple - we BOTH get what we want...

    PS - to those who bemoan the fact that "MacOS just won't work on a touch device" just set up your iPad Pro as an extended monitor for your Mac and you'll see that touch is good (as an alternate input for selecting items, scrolling, pinch to zoom) AND mouse/keyboard support is nearly the same as MacOS (except for that weird round pointer).
