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  • Apple's generative AI may be the only one that was trained legally & ethically

    eriamjh said:
    I don’t buy the whole concept of “legally and ethically” trained.   

    I learned a lot of things from copyrighted books and movies, etc.  There no such thing as protected concepts, thoughts, ideas, or words.  Even IP is only protected from being “used” illegally and learning and understanding it isn’t “use”.    

    I read a book.  I paid for it.  Maybe that’s the issue.  Patents are protected from being used, not being read or understood.  

    If it’s in the internet and not behind a paywall, it’s fair use to learn from.  

    If I write a book report, is that infringement?   If I am inspired by a work of art and I paint something, is that infringement?   No.  

    Similar to is not the same as “copied”.  Authors and artists are just upset a computer does it and there’s no carve out in law for that… yet.  
    "Training" is just a marketing term. Generative AI programs, like any computer program, require a database in order to work. No data = no output. If copyrighted works are part of the database, then the company that owns the program needs to have paid to license those works. Think of it like a generative video game similar to No Man's Sky. Yes, the program can procedurally generate things but it's still dependent on the database of assets that the game designers built for it to use. 
    Training isn't a marketing term, it's a computer science term. It's gradient descent (or some other kind of) regression to learn the parameters of a neural network. It's similar to how human neurons change synaptic strength during the process of learning. The model *doesn't* have a stored copy of training data, though it may be able to recall fragments of it, similar to a human who has read the same articles.

    Secondly, procedural generation as in No Man's Sky, while also under the umbrella of the term AI, is very different from data-driven methods like neural networks (which are what the media calls AI these days). Procedural generation can also be purely mathematical and doesn't have to have hand-designed assets. But of course it has hand-designed math at the very least.