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  • What to do when your Lightning cable won't charge your iPhone or iPad

    Looking in my phone's Lightening port (iPhone 6+), it's pretty obvious that the connectors are only on the bottom of the socket (the side furthest from the display).  The rest of the socket (including the back) is plastic.  So just be careful to keep your tools away from the lower surface and you should be fine.

    That having been said, I've never had a problem getting a cable to insert, but I have often gotten into a situation where the cable won't charge.  Or it won't start charging for several minutes.  Usually, I end up throwing out the cable and using a new one (fortunately, they're not too expensive these days - I buy Anker brand cables from Amazon in multi-packs).

    Sometimes I've found that a cable in this state will work just fine if I unplug the USB-A plug from the charger brick (or car charger) and plug it into my Mac (where it makes a data connection as well as charging).  And after that, it will work fine when re-attached to the charger.  I have no explanation for this except perhaps that the ID chip in the cable had crashed and plugging it into a computer reset it.
  • Cupertino delays vote on employee tax for Apple, other local businesses until 2019

    The ugly truth everybody wants to ignore is that these big companies already pay tons of taxes.

    Apple owns huge tracts of land and is certainly paying massive property taxes on it.  They pay corporate income taxes.  Their employees all pay individual income taxes and sales taxes.

    Plus they are employing thousands of people who would otherwise be working elsewhere or would be working for a lower wage (and therefore paying lower taxes).

    But all that money isn't enough.  Because every big corporation is a bottomless pit of money that government can continue to demand without consequences.

    Well the reality is that no person or corporation can be abused forever.  Sooner or later they will move elsewhere, just like the millions of people (and thousands of businesses) that have already fled California.  Even Apple will move elsewhere if the abuse gets to be too much (which is almost certainly one reason why they are looking to set up a 20,000 employee R&D campus in North Carolina).
  • Apple granted patent using hinged OLED screen as a dynamic iPad or Mac keyboard

    I'm officially old now, the idea of trying to type without tactile keys sounds horrific.
    Haven't you been paying attention?  Only nerds and wimps type.  The future is all Siri all the time.

    (closed-smilied for the humor impaired)

  • Voters shoot down human rights committee proposal at Apple shareholders meeting

    This is hardly news.  Anyone who holds stock in any major company sees propositions like this all the time.  I have never once seen any company recommend a yes vote for any shareholder proposal, and it is very very rare that any pass because ultimately most shareholders want their shares to gain value and they trust the corporate management to do what is necessary to bring that about.  And this is perfectly logical - someone who doesn't trust management to maximize the stock's value isn't going to buy it in the first place.

    Very few people are buying shares for the purpose of using them as leverage against the company for activist purposes.  It's all about making a statement that everybody receiving a proxy will (presumably) read, not about making any real change.  There are too many outstanding shares and too high a price to be able to buy (or control) a large enough block to forcibly pass something the board opposes.  If you had that kind of money, you could more easily implement your changes by creating a non-profit foundation of some kind.
  • Teardown of Apple's iMac Pro shows RAM upgrades possible - with extreme difficulty

    The headline's "extreme difficulty" implies that it's harder than previous iMacs.

    After having read many iFixit repair pages, this doesn't look any more difficult than a RAM upgrade on other iMacs that lack access doors, but definitely a huge chore compared to those that have them

    So if someone wanted to build a “homebrew” Mac, how hard is it to buy just the main logic board? Can you just buy it from any authorized dealer or does Apple make it difficult?
    Not likely.  Based on what I've read over the years, Apple will only sell parts like this for the purpose of repairs and they will require the repair shop to send them the old (and presumably defective) motherboard afterward.  If they find some service person buying parts and not returning anything, he will likely lose his authorization.